Five myths (and one truth) about sex during pregnancy

Will we hurt him? Is it true that women lose desire? He sex during pregnancy is surrounded by myths which often lead us to do (and not do) certain things. We dismantle the most common myths and tell you something that is true.

We are going to hurt the baby

No, sex is not at all contraindicated in pregnancy, and no, there is no chance of harming the baby.

When not to have sex during pregnancy? When we are facing a risk pregnancy, if there have been previous miscarriages, if there was a loss of fluid or bleeding on which the reason is not clear.

Except for these situations and obviously as long as our doctor does not tell us otherwise, we should not worry: we will not harm the baby, so be calm.

During intercourse The penis never touches the baby, they separate the cervix, the mucous plug, the bag, the liquid ... Even if we are talking about a particularly large penis it will never reach the baby. This is one of the greatest myths, never better, more widespread and more worrisome, but you know: nothing happens.

Pregnant women have no sexual appetite

Contrary to what many believe sexual desire does not necessarily descend during pregnancy.

It is true that certain hormones can make it descend, but we have to keep in mind that hormones modulate, of course, but they do not determine yes or yes. In addition, it depends a lot on each woman.

If we had a satisfactory sex life, if we understand that sex is a form of intimacy (not just intercourse) ... we will be "more awake" to sex and therefore we will have more desire, regardless of hormonal bombardment.

It is usual for them to occur oscillations during pregnancy: It has nothing to do with a first trimester, with the usual nausea, discomfort, than the second in which we are great and on top of it even without the uncomfortable stiffness of the third.

Not only does pregnancy not imply a decrease in desire (that there are cases, of course), but in fact there are women who experience a notable high in their libido:

  • Certain hormones can make us more rumbrous.

  • The increase in blood volume makes the female genitals more irrigated, more swollen, and therefore more sensitive.

  • The increase in vaginal discharge makes many women find sex especially satisfactory at this stage.

Anal sex is not recommended during pregnancy

For a long time it has been insisted that pregnant women have to avoid anal sex. However, we are faced with a practice that, except for complications and a specific medical indication, does not lead to a major problem. Of course, with some qualifications and care.

  • We must avoid it, or practice it carefully, in case of presenting hemorrhoids, something quite frequent in pregnancy.

  • We must avoid going from anal to vaginal penetration, as this could cause infections. Change of condom, a bath ... are some of the things we can do in these cases.

Pregnancy protects us from sexually transmitted diseases.

Being pregnant, what we can't do is to get pregnant again, but no, it doesn't free us or make us immune to sexually transmitted diseases.

Contagion can affect us and the baby (during pregnancy or childbirth): the mucous plug prevents the access of certain pathogens to the baby, but that does not mean that we are protected against STDs.

So if we are going to have sex with other people, or if our partner has had them after pregnancy, the use of preservative It is absolutely essential.

Sex can trigger childbirth, abortion or premature delivery

Practicing sex in the early stages of pregnancy does not carry a risk of loss. Early spontaneous abortions are usually related to chromosomal complications or alterations.

As for the induction of labor, the practice of sex in the final stages has traditionally been related to it, however there are also studies that indicate the opposite.

What we do know is that the sperm contains prostaglandin, usually used to induce labor. So we could say that is the sperm, and perhaps not sex itself, which could favor the induction of labor.

One last note: having a orgasm contractions occur in the walls of the uterus, and a feeling of "stiffness" remains in the area for a short period of time. But these contractions are different from those of childbirth, so we should not confuse or worry them.

And now that we have reviewed the myths, we are going with a truth, a huge one: sex during pregnancy has a lot of benefits.

Benefits of sex during pregnancy

  • It reinforces the role of a sexed woman, not only of a future mother, it also favors that we continue activating couple roles, it increases the self esteem, makes us assimilate body changes in a more positive way, and thus favors the transition to sexuality after childbirth.

  • Sex can ease the pain and the discomfort is something like an analgesic, both muscle and for example headache.

  • Sex implies a certain physical exercise, which is already recommended during pregnancy. In addition collaterally has another advantage: during the exercise endorphins are released, the hormone of happiness, what more can you ask for!

  • During intercourse the circulation is improved and this favors a better oxygenation of the baby. So not only do we not harm him but also, there may be a sea of ​​pleasure with it.

  • Having sex as a couple, intimacy, affection, is always positive, and more at this stage so special and full of changes (present and future). Anything that favors the union and the complicity of the two, welcome.

Extra final: sex is not just penetration, so that even in cases where intercourse is contraindicated, there is a whole range of wonderful possibilities that we can put into practice as a couple. To enjoy!


In Babies and more: The father's sexual desire during pregnancy

Video: Myths About Sex Debunked (July 2024).