New Chicco website on the safety of children in the car

The first to be educated about the use of baby and child car seats in the car are parents.

That is the idea with which the web has been conceived Baby car safety, a space created by the brand Chicco to make parents aware of the importance of the use, and of the correct use, of child safety systems in the car.

The site offers all kinds of information, from why the child should use a special car seat to a graphic that illustrates what happens in the event of an accident, according to which it is impossible for a person to hold a weight of 416 kilos, what weighs a child of 15 kilos if the car crashes at a speed of 50 km / h. Awesome, right?

Well, that's the idea. To avoid this, we are well informed about the seat indicated for each age, how to install it properly and practical advice, in addition to a section where you can consult with a pediatrician all questions related to its use.

Another interesting fact, which can also be found on the web and that I did not know, is that insurance companies can present a resource to reduce the payment of benefits if a car seat is not used correctly, the use of which is mandatory until 12 years or until the child reaches 1.35 meters high.

In these matters, it is always advisable to be well advised, because it is a matter as important as extending the lives of our children.

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