Send a super hero of flesh and blood

Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, Nobel Peace Prize and symbol of the fight against racial discrimination in his country; He is the main character of the comics "The Madiba Legacy Series", a succession of nine comics about his life.

The comic presents the man who led the fight against apartheid as a normal human being, with his mistakes. According to the producer of the project, Mandela is presented as a common man, so that the message reaches the children "and they themselves understand that they could have been born in a mud hut and still get to do magnificent things."

The series will be distributed free of charge in South Africa through private and public schools and eventually translated from English to 10 other languages ​​spoken in the country. Mandela, 87, spent 27 years in prison because of his political ideals in a South Africa divided by races. Later, in 1994, he became the first democratically elected black president in that country.

An excellent educational project to teach that modern superheroes are flesh and blood, do not have great supernatural powers, only a feeling of social justice that leads them to fight for the good of humanity as is the case of Nelson Mandela.

Video: Let's Play - Dead by Daylight - Of Flesh and Mud DLC (July 2024).