Work confirms that the paternity leave will be eight weeks in 2019

This morning, the Minister of Labor, Migration and Social Security, Magdalena Valerio, confirmed at a breakfast with the press that the Government continues betting on the equipping of paternity and maternity leave, as Pedro Sánchez announced last October 7, a few days before sending the draft of the 2019 Budget to Brussels.

The plan announced by the Government provides extend paternity leave to all workers to eight weeks in 2019, 12 weeks in 2020 and 16 weeks in 2021. It would be an extension of three weeks more than the current five weeks that parents enjoy since July of this year.

The problem is that the approval of the Budgets is in the air due to the lack of parliamentary support, although the minister has suggested that the Government has 'a plan B' to carry out its initiatives.

In Babies and more The government wants to match maternity and paternity leave and universalize education from zero to three years

According to Minister Magdalena Valerio,

"We are moving towards equalization with maternity leave, a decisive factor in eliminating gender segregation in employment."

This was stated in an informative meeting of Europa Press and that the Ministry has shared on its Twitter account.

‼ ️ In 2019 the paternity leave will be 8 weeks, 3 more than now. We are moving towards equalization with maternity leave, a decisive factor in eliminating gender segregation in employment, #EPDesayunoValerio

- Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security (@empleogob) November 26, 2018

These decisions will not affect the parents of the Basque Country, who will have a 16-week paternity leave from October 2019.

In Babies and more, parents in the Basque Country will have a 16-week paternity leave from autumn 2019

The matching is taken for granted: the 'plan B'

The Minister of Labor has also advanced that the Government has a 'plan B' to approve a battery of measures if the General State Budget of 2019 does not go ahead.

But he has not specified what it consists of and if it will include the equalization of paternity and maternity leave, something that parents have been demanding for a long time, so that they can take more time for their children and that it would also improve the raising of babies. As suggested by the Confidential, Sánchez's alternative could be approve the extension of paternity leave by decree.

Nor does it clarify whether paid leave will be parallel to that of the mother or consecutive, as established by the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function, which does envisage speeding up procedures so that officials who are parents from 2019 have an eight-week permit.

In Babies and more Officials who are parents in 2019 will have an eight-week paternity leave

For now, we will have to keep waiting to see what happens definitely with budgets and if those who are parents from next year will enjoy more time with their children. And as for the extension of the maternity leave to six months, as advised by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, nor is it named.

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