Is it necessary for the baby to burp after each take?

Surely if anyone asks us how to do so a baby burp we have it clear: in our arms, facing us and wandering until I breathe. So far everything more or less clear. The problem comes when we try to burp always, after each shot, because we have been told that it is important that they breathe in, because if they will not be upset, restless, irritable and will not sleep well.

Why is a problem? Because in reality it is not always necessary to do it, and often we are ourselves, trying to burp, who we get are upset and end up crying. That is why we answer this question today: Is it necessary for the baby to burp after each take?

We did have a lot to burp

We are the bottle generation. Most of us were fed with artificial milk and bottles, and at that time the bottles did not have much secret or technology: a boat with a nipple whose opening was greater or less as our mother decided with her scissors.

At that time many of us swallowed too fast, some too slowly, and others at a normal pace, until the milk ran out and there was only air left. And in that process we swallowed more or less air, but we swallowed it.

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Then, at the end, we had the air in our stomachs, annoying, and we were not completely relaxed until we belched that it was the sign, for mom or dad, that they could already sleep us.

But now…

However, at present, bottles are designed (not all, but many) so that babies do not swallow air, or swallow very little; and there are even ways (such as the Kassing method) to bottle-feed that make it possible for the same baby to decide the feeding rate and not gravity. That is to say, that they eat by suction, and not 'because the milk falls to me'.

This causes babies to swallow less air than before and not need to burp after taking, basically because they have no air in the stomach.

In addition, breastfeeding rates are increasingly high, and as many of you will know, the breast does not contain air. By not leaving air, but milk, the baby can only swallow milk, especially if we talk about a baby who makes a correct grip and who has not cried for a while before eating (because if he cries it is possible to swallow air and then, at eat, be upset). And it is that the suction that makes a baby is of windy type: it is taken to the chest making emptiness, and I repeat, if the position is adequate, the baby does not swallow air.

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"It's hard for me to burp"

This is how many mothers today are coming to this problem: your baby takes a long time to burp. Or rather, they are coming to the one they think is a problem, because in reality it is not.

If a breastfed baby, or who takes a bottle, falls asleep after eating and is calm, it is better not to touch it. It's a shame to start moving it In search of a burp that may never come, because some even start to cry, then they do swallow air with tears, and in the end they end up expelling an air that parents believe that "it has been difficult to get out", when they are really the ones who caused it.

Different is that the child sleeps restlessly and often belches after the shots. So the most logical thing is to try to throw it before falling asleep. In addition, it is interesting to get a baby to burp if it is easy to regurgitate milk. In such a case, in children who, after taking them, can pour significant amounts of milk, it may be a good idea to stop taking the milk from time to time, to promote the child's take out the air you could swallow and follow; and from time to time repeat the operation so that when you finish eating you only have to take a little air, and not a large air bubble accompanied by milk.

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | Baby belching, Newborn care: gassing, Tips to prevent and relieve baby's gas

Video: Newborn Burping Techniques (July 2024).