Discover the world by tricycle

Young children cannot sit still, they like movement and that is what parents know a lot about. Moving is a children's need that helps them grow strong and healthy, not only physically but also in their development in general. From the moment they are born they begin to know the world through their body and their movements. For these reasons I recommend the tricycle as a toy that allows the child to exercise his body and enjoy the movement.

The handling of the tricycle requires a coordination of the legs and arms that little by little the child is getting. This fabulous toy that all kids love favors spatial orientation, autonomy of their movements, motivation and self-confidence. The boy pedaling on the tricycle discover and explore your surroundings and he is proud to be able to drive his own "motorcycle".

There are many models on the market, from metal classics to lighter ones with a handlebar that allows adults to push them when the child is not pedaling yet.

If you are thinking of giving your child a gift, do not hesitate to choose a tricycle. My son has had his tricycle since he was one year old, of course, he was not pedaling yet but he loved to go just like adults we like to ride a bicycle or a motorcycle.

Video: The Last Bike Youll Ever Need: Peacock Groove Fat Tire Cargo Trike. Meet the Makers. HTME (July 2024).