Your children are not yours

This text extracted from "The Prophet" the top work of Khalil Gibran, novelist and Lebanese poet (1883-1931), expresses very well something that parents usually forget: that our children are not our property but they come to life through us and our responsibility is accompany them and respect them in the path.

This also implies that we must educate them with a lot more freedom (not permissiveness) of what we do: freedom to be babies and demand time, arms, heat and tit even though we are exhausted, freedom to discover the world even if they open all the drawers of the house, freedom to be childrenmove and squat it everything (without medicating them), freedom to scream and express your own way, etc.

The role of parents is not to train their children to fit into social standards every time to see more questionable, but respect their personality, make their innate talents flourish and not allow family, school and life in general to annul and standardize them as it has happened with almost all adults.

Let's enjoy with these beautiful words:

Your children are not your children, they are sons and daughters of life, eager for itself.

They do not come from you, but through you, and although they are with you, they do not belong to you.

You can give them your love, but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts.

You can shelter their bodies, but not their souls, because they live in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, even in dreams.

You can strive to be like them, but do not try to make them similar to you, because life does not recede or stop in yesterday.

You are the bow from which your children, like living arrows, are thrown. Let the inclination, in your archer's hand, be for happiness.

Video: Your Children Are Not Yours - ลกของคณ ไมไดเปน"ของ"คณ (July 2024).