Dads and moms blogs (XXXII)

Today, like every Tuesday, we bring you a review with some Featured content that we have been able to read this week on moms and dads blogs, in a tour of other looks and experiences with pregnancies, babies and children.

These days Dad Wolf He tells us with his usual casual style that they have started matronation with their little one. He tells us the preliminaries until he reaches the pool and the "mock" class that one day he hopes to enjoy more. Surely they get it ...

In Don't mistreat me, the blog that Elvis Canino takes from Venezuela, we read that It is never too late to realize that hitting is not the solution and that we ourselves can change our actions and improve to make our children better people.

An unforgettable moment is the one that tells us Mom discovering the world: Nuria has received the first "I love you" from her little Teresa. Can you end the summer in a better way than listening to a "mother very much love"?

Aleida in My mom spoils me ... too much tells us a milestone in the development of his girl, who at 17 months has taken her first steps alone. A great achievement for the kids that, like the first "I love you", is recorded in our memory and that I hope to see any day in my baby.

But if a topic has been present these days in the moms and dads blogs, that has been the entrance to the children's school. And, in line with the post in which we asked you who was having a worse time in those cases, we have read opinions of all kinds.

Thirty with son He tells us that the adaptation has not been very fruitful, and the little one cries every day at the door of the school when he sees that mom is leaving. Even at home he says he doesn't want to go to school.

Something similar happens to Mom without complexes, who has heard the phrase in question, Mom, I don't want to go to school ... alone. Because he likes what he does there, but would love to share it with mom. At least seeing him leave happy class one calms down ...

From another perspective, Mommy to the adventure, she tells us how it is she who has a hard time leaving her girls in school, while they are so happy.

We also read in Stories of a prince and four princesses The first day of class of their little ones that they enjoy and want to repeat soon. And the different sensations of a mother who has already been through this with the elders ... interesting reflection.

This is what we found this week by the parents 'and moms' blogs that we usually visit, and some recent discoveries that we hope will also interest you. Next week we will return with the review of the dad and moms blogosphere.

Video: Japan Fammily - Father and daughter in law - 父と嫁. (July 2024).