Where is it preferable to give birth?

Gynecologists defend hospital delivery as the safest for both moms and babies, as the means necessary to deal with a possible problem are in the hospital.

Although a future mother can choose where and how to give birth, experts do not doubt about the most appropriate place, not because giving birth at home is going back to the way it was forty years ago, but because a hospital delivery has more Advantages that inconveniences.

In certain communities the home delivery service for births is valued, as it exists in the Netherlands, but this would have an impact on an increase in expenses, since a mobile UVI, the medical team, the gynecologist, the midwife, a guardian should be moved to the home and the anesthetist to apply the epidural if the mother wanted it. It is curious how many times they went to private centers to give birth, but little by little they have been resorting to public hospitals because the service is getting better, of course there are always exceptions, but both in public and in private.

Although there are gynecologists who share the idea of ​​giving birth at home, they recommend that it never be the first birth, since it is not known how the birth of a new mother can be developed.

We would love to see our future moms or reading moms tell us what they think?where it is preferable to give birth?

Video: Vaginal breech delivery and symphysiotomy (July 2024).