Colors also in the hospitals of the Valencian Community

A few days ago MMar told us about the project "Hospitals of colors" of Disney, which sought the very commendable work of facilitating the stay of children in the Hospital October 12, Madrid through a childish, cheerful decoration.

It seems sufficiently proven that the humanization of hospital stays They are extremely effective at the time of a speedy recovery or improvement of the patients. Even on the walls of the rooms you can make them more familiar.

That Disney project was also carried out in the Childhood Income Surgery Unit (UCSI) of the Faith of Valencia. Now the children's pavilion of the same Valencian hospital has been decorated with children's motifs by three students of the Faculty of Fine Arts San Carlos of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and has been a very nice change for the children admitted.

Therefore, the Minister of Health has announced his will to be in all public hospitals in the Valencian Community where children's units will be decorated in order to detract from the income of minors.

This initiative is in addition to others, such as the toy libraries, clowns or cyber centers, launched with the same purpose to humanize and brighten the stay of children in hospitals.

The mood of patients is so important in their recovery process, in their way of coping with the disease, that details such as these become fundamental. I wish they were increasingly taken into account in all hospital centers.

Video: 'The Singing Nurse' at Valencia hospital soothes the suffering (July 2024).