Theatrical weekends in Almagro for the whole family

He Corral de Almagro Theater and the Corrales de Comedias Theater Company propose to enjoy the magic of family theater in a unique place such as the Corral de Comedias de Almagro. It is an attractive tourist activity for all families who come to visit the town of Almagro and it is also a different way to get to know the villages of Spain, their traditions and especially the classical works of literature that are represented live.

The town of Almagro is linked to its comedy corral, the best example of 17th century theater and that he remains active as such in the world. A place where works of the Golden age Y Europe's baroque theater classics. The Corrales de Comedias Theater Company proposes to discover this scenario with works by Moratín, Lope de Vega, Cervantes, Goldoni or Fernando de Rojas among others. Every Saturday a different work, a unique moment to enjoy the theater. The promoters of the Corrales de Comedias Theater Company say that they want to ensure that visitors, including the little ones, know and enjoy the Corral de Comedias as a unique and magical place. And it is that the Theater is a monument to visit and a place to feel and enjoy the theater as it was done in past centuries.

This year 2014 the Company meets its 20th anniversary demonstrating that good work in the theater world can mean success. From the beginning they tried to bring the classical and golden century theater to the public in a simple, fun way, making the viewer excited. During his extensive career they have represented works throughout the country and have been invited to participate in major theater festivals in the world.

The works are represented every saturday afternoon and have a price of 17 euros, or 15 euros if purchased in advance. There are also discounts for retirees and free tickets for children under 8 years. I recommend taking a look at the website indicated below to know all the details of the program.

The Teatro Corral de Almagro was born in Almagro in 1994 and has a repertoire of more than 18 classical works, highlighting works by Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca, Cervantes or Shakespeare. All the weekends from March to June and of October to December They go up to the Corral de Comedias de Almagro to show all the public the classic works of our literature. In addition, since 1995, Corrales de Comedias Teatro has organized special campaigns for students of all ages, from primary to university, through adult schools. More than 300,000 students have already attended these activities allowing them to learn about the theatrical tradition of the Golden Age.

It's been a while since we passed by Almagro. It is a good time to do it because the little one can already have fun and understand the plots, dramas and choral comedies that are represented. I also believe that it is a great tradition that has to be maintained and we must contribute to disseminate among young people so that they value a very classic theater although the contents still have interest and maintain many points in common with the current era.

Video: Helsinki Festival (July 2024).