A family is trapped in the highlands of Scotland and is rescued by Hogwarts Express himself

A couple and their four children were on vacation in a little house by a lake in Scotland, where they arrived transporting in a canoe. The next morning, it had disappeared due to a strong current, leaving them trapped.

But what could have been a sad end to his rest journey, It ended up becoming a magical experience, being rescued nothing more and nothing less than by Hogwarts Express itself.

Jon and Helen Cluett had decided to take a small trip with their four children of 6, 8, 10 and 12 years in a small house in the highlands of Scotland, which can only be reached by crossing a lake. Since they already had a canoe, there was no major problem and in 10 minutes they crossed the lake, leaving their car on the other side.

Everything was going great until the next morning, when they realized that during the night the canoe had been released and disappeared due to a strong current. They had been trapped and had only two options: to make a walk of almost five kilometers through swampy terrain to be able to return to where their car was or call the authorities.

Making such a long walk with four children was certainly not the best option, so they decided to call the police to see what they could suggest. It turned out that 400 meters from where they were, they passed some train tracks, so the policemen were in charge of arranging everything to make a stop and pick up the family. But the train that would pass through there was not anyone.

It was a very special steam train, called "Jacobite", and that it was the royal train that had been used as the Hogwarts Express for the Harry Potter movies. He Jacobite he travels through the highlands of Scotland, and coincidentally he was the next one to go through those nearby roads.

"The policeman told me, 'We have arranged everything so that the next train that passes by will stop for you, and you will not believe this, but It's the Hogwarts Express. Your children will love him '"the father told The Associated Press. Then the family started packing everything immediately and they started running towards the tracks, because the train was about to arrive.

Like millions of children in the world, children are fans of Harry Potter movies, and as they approached the train, they ran with a big smile on their facesWell, they were very excited that the Hogwarts Express was the train that stopped for them. The family was taken to the next station, from where they could take a car that would take them to theirs.

Although the father was a little sad for losing his canoe, the train ride was just what your children needed to cheer up. "When they saw the steam train approaching, all the sadness left their faces and was replaced by excitement and fun"he says.

No doubt the presence of the train gave the trip a complete turn, transforming it into a magical experience for children.

Video: Witchcraft. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).