The meaningful tattoo being made by parents of children with Down syndrome

There are parents who decide to get tattoos with the name of their children or designs with a special meaning to wear them forever marked on their skin, such as the symbolic tattoo that parents of children with Down syndrome are doing.

Mica May, an 8-year-old designer and mother of Jackson, is the one behind this beautiful initiative and the first to perform, along with two other mothers, this simple but powerful tattoo that symbolizes strength and love for their children as well as the union between the parents of children with this condition.

Love him so. World Down Syndrome Day is Wednesday, and Im so freaking proud to know fellow Austinite, Liz of @rubysrainbow. She has started the 321 pledge in order to raise $ 150,000 for scholarships to send people living with Down syndrome to college. I will give you head over to her feed and not fall in love with her Ruby and all of the incredible guys & gals that she has provided a scholarship to. Watching these beautiful souls open up their acceptance letters and feel known and loved is one of the most heart warming thing Ive watched. We all have dreams to become something, someone. And while my Jackson is only 9 yrs old and still thinks Im amazing and just wanted to sit with me on the porch tonight, one day he will want to spread his wings and fly. Lets rally around those whose time is NOW and donate just $ 21 to help 30 people this fall fulfill their dreams of going to college Lets help her get to $ 150k by Wed #letterstojax # 321pledge #downsyndrome #joychromosome * Link in profile, its super easy

Why three arrows?

May explains that the three arrows are the perfect symbol. The number three is representative of the three chromosomes 21 that result in Down syndrome. Recall that this condition is characterized by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 (or part of it) instead of the usual two, so it is also called trisomy of par 21.

The arrows, meanwhile, represent how the parents of these special children "they get up and move on, sometimes even more than we think we can bear, "says this mother.

Oh my heart Thank you to the @todayshow for the incredible article sharing the LOVE and shouting the worth of people with Down syndrome - both today and for featuring the new Gerber baby. Im over the moon to part of the incredible tribe that calls themselves #theluckyfew. This article captures the story and the heart behind how #theluckyfewtattoo got started and I.Have.No.Words. for how far and wide this movement has spread. @heatheravis, my dear friend and author of The Lucky Few calls it The magic of Down syndrome and its TRUE. Thank you, thank you - for all you moms, dads, siblings, teachers, therapists, besties, etc. who have gotten INKED () when you never thought you might, to have something on your body that will spark peoples curiosity so you can #shouttheirworth and share the love and magic of Down syndrome with strangers. I seriously cannot WAIT for the moment when I run into a stranger with this tattoo. I will lose my ever living mind to see someone out in the wild with a tattoo that came to me in a recurring dream for years - its truly unbelievable. And special thx to @heatheravis, @eicherumba and @rubysrainbow for even suggesting that we GET tattoos to begin with We should get together more often, gals, who knows what other things we could dream up together #downsyndrome #tattoo #joychromosome #letterstojax Read the full article through link in profile

Other parents who have joined the initiative

The parents who got the tattoo are posting images of themselves on Instagram with the hashtag #theluckyfewtattoo. It is inspired by a phrase created by a friend of May, Avis, mother of three adopted children, two of them with Down Syndrome, who wrote a book entitled "The Lucky Few."

A precious initiative of love and union It is spreading around the world.

Just like an arrow, no matter how far we are pulled back we will move forward. One day you will ask us, and one day we will tell you. We will tell you about our journey, our greatest adventure. We will tell you about you… #theluckyfew #theluckyfewtattoo #nothingdownabouther @hooligantattoos #downsyndromeawareness #dsdn #downsyndrome #rockinmom #familyofthree #myheart #tinytattoo

Our first tattoo session was canceled on Wednesday because of snow. Finally got our #theluckyfewtattoo #theluckyfew # t21 #downsyndromeawareness thank you @time_bomb_tattoo @littlest_warrior

Het was op 21 maart, een dag ... bijzondere plaatsten Peter en ik samen met een andere heleboel ouders deze een tattoo ** eerbetoon Onze Lieve aan drie kindjes, waarvan er één Extra chromosoom heeft een #werelddownsyndroomdag #worlddownsyndromeday #luckyfewtattoo #theluckyfewtattoo



Photos | Micamay (Reproduced with permission)
Via | Today
In Babies and more | 19 tattoos in honor of babies who have died during pregnancy or shortly after birth

Video: Most Emotional Tattoo Challenges. Ink Master (July 2024).