A team of doctors performed chest compressions for five hours to save the life of an eight-year-old boy

When we talk about heroes we imagine them with capes, but they have a gown. A team of around thirty doctors took turns during five hours to perform to an eight-year-old boy 30,000 chest compressions that saved his life. It happened in the city of Changzhou, in eastern China.

Thirty thousand compressions for five hours

As reported by the China Daily, the child suffered from fulminant myocarditis, an inflammatory process that occurs in the myocardium, heart muscle tissue and causes acute onset heart failure.

The child was admitted on Thursday, September 20 and after receiving the initial treatment they managed to stabilize him, but on the morning of the following day suffered a cardiac arrest. Their beats were irregular, the heart rate was decreasing, then seizures occurred and cardiac arrest occurred, which led doctors to perform compressions to keep their heart functioning.

There is a machine, called ECMO (acronym for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation), which does these compressions automatically, but the hospital does not have it, so those responsible for the center decided to do it manually until a solution was found. They managed to bring one of those machines from a Shanghai hospital, more than 150 kilometers away, which offered to cooperate.

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An image of the official Chinese newspaper shows a dozen hospital workers, including doctors and nurses, standing in line next to the child's bed to take turns in the application of chest compressions, vital to maintain the heart rate.

Doctors and nurses in Changzhou Children's Hospital of East China's Jiangsu province performed 30,000 times thoracic compression for 5 hours on a boy suffering a cardiac arrest before experts from Shanghai arrived with equipment which saved the boy's life. #EverydayHero pic.twitter.com/VKakLFag8M

- China Daily (@ChinaDailyUSA) September 25, 2018

They saved his life

Thanks to these true heroes, the child's heart beat again naturally, although weak, and still receiving treatment in the hospital.

Via and Photo | China Daily

Video: How to do CPR on a Child Ages 1 to 12 Years (May 2024).