Why do we want to be parents?

Some decide to become parents because they have already made their career, they have married and it is the next step. Others come by surprise. The circumstances are endless, but do we really wonder what they are the real reasons that lead us to bring a new life to the world?.

To the babies nobody asks if they want to come to the world, we are the parents that before the call of the instinct (or not) we decided to have a son. By the way, once the famous maternal and paternal instinct is awake we want a baby ... and we want it now!

Each couple has their special reasons to be parents. Most of the time the consolidation of the couple leads us to want to start a family with the other person. Having a child tends to strengthen well-matched couples, but sometimes it helps to destabilize the not-so-lucky ones.

A typical mistake is to believe that if things go wrong, a child will recompose them, although it is possible that someone has worked. Another mistake is to have a child to please the couple or even to tie her. Babies are human beings and not currency exchange.

The decision to be parents is not to be taken lightly. Our future son deserves to be the result of a mature, consensual decision and, above all, the product of love.

Everyone will have their own reasons, but I, who in that I am still old-fashioned, prefer the somewhat cheesy roll of the project in common, the desire to have offspring, to be reflected in the children and other topics.

I think that until you are a father, it is very difficult to explain what it means. Personally, there is nothing to overcome it, not even the best professional career. It is, by far, the best choice that can be made in life.

And your motives, what are they?

Video: What You Say VS What You WANT to Say to Parents (July 2024).