Precautions in the pool with children

We continue in our Baby Summer Special and more, this time with one of the most refreshing and fun activities for the little ones. However, for everything to go as expected we must have a series of precautions in the pool with children.

Following these tips, we will make the bathroom a rewarding experience and avoid scares and risks that can endanger the health of children. Every year there are unfortunate news about children's accidents in the pools, so you have to do everything in our power to avoid them.

Continuous monitoring in the pool

In the case of babies it is clearer (I do not want to imagine that someone leaves him alone in a raft or at the edge of the pool), but when children develop more or less well in the water carelessness may appear, we trust. However, only a second of distraction can be fatal in a possible stumble, immersion, blow ...

Nor do we think that floats or sleeves are good caregivers, or if they have already learned to swim or float, because even in those cases the little ones are not without risks. Children can never be alone in the pool, or without surveillance.

Additional security, but not infallible

Floats, sleeves, boards... are additional security elements that do not replace adult surveillance and accompaniment. More than elements of security in themselves, we would say that they help the child to have more possibilities of unfolding in the water without fear, but we cannot "delegate" the lifeguard function in them.

Although it may be uncomfortable, it may be convenient to wear the sleeves even out of the water, in case they unexpectedly fall into it, so as not to sink. However, a child may not sink in the water, but may have other problems. In addition, floats or sleeves are not infallible and can break and stop fulfilling their function.

In any case, if we want to reduce risks, we should ensure that the safety accessories we buy are of quality and are properly approved. Also that we check that they have no punctures or broken since the previous use, before putting them on.

In public or community swimming pools with lifeguards, it is convenient to have it located to go to it in case of any emergency, but we cannot discharge the responsibility of surveillance in it. The lifeguard is a good safety factor, but he is not infallible and it is not his job to control the behavior of all children in the water.

Another additional element of security (but not infallible) would be safety gadgets to prevent drowning such as bracelets to put the child who jumps if it gets wet (we will have to be aware of taking them off and putting them on at all times). Although I do not particularly see if children are in the presence of adults, because what is important is that we realize that the child can fall or has fallen and act before we are alerted.

A safe environment in the pool

Whether it is our private pool, or if it is communal, the pool should be inaccessible for children when it is closed, to prevent them from getting into or falling into it. It must be surrounded by a fence or fence of sufficient height so that children do not jump. The access door to the pool must have a latch, lock or lock that children cannot open by themselves.

For private swimming pools there are approved safety devices such as pool alarms. In the event of a fall, a fixed part installed at the edge or inside the pool emits a sound signal to the base by radio.

Safe toys

We have commented that floats, sleeves and flotation boards must be approved, but the same goes for other types of accessories: aquatic and inflatable toys for swimming pools. If these toys are not endorsed by security controls of the European Community may be defective.

Be careful not to leave toys alone in the water, as children may want to jump for them. To avoid this risk, it is better to remove the toys from the water at the same time as the little ones, and in that way they will also have to entertain themselves out of the water.

Drains, grilles and pool cleaning accessories are not toys, therefore children should not touch them.

Safe games

Toys are not always needed to play. Many games are fun in the pool, but you have to avoid those that carry risks, such as running next to the pool, jumping next to others, pushing, hitting, "choking" ... On the slides, you have to be cautious, wait for a turn, do not throw yourself if there is someone down…

Especially dangerous are slips at the edge of the pool, or reckless head dips that do not control ground clearance and end up with serious trauma.

Previous education

In relation to the previous points, it is clear that a child is not born taught and many of the rules are unknown to him. We cannot expect a child to behave safely if he does not know how to do it, because for him the pool will be another place of play.

It is never too early to tell them about what we expect from them in the pool, how we think we are going to have a good time and how we will not hurt ourselves. That is why it is important to explain to the child the behavior he must have in the water, especially in relation to the dangerous games that we have commented previously.

That way they will know, before arriving, that they should not throw themselves from the curb on top of others, hold on to another child who is in the water, throw themselves near the steps ...

Teach them to swim

Apart from education, there may also be prior education, I mean swimming lessons: The sooner they learn to float, to swim and to run in the water, the sooner they will be able to avoid risks from unexpected falls to the water ...

However, that they know how to swim does not imply that we should not be attentive: children can easily get tired or become overly confident and reach places where they do not stand up, get scared ... Then we return to the first point: we always have to be aware of them when they are inside of the water.

In an emergency

If there is a lifeguard, we must locate it quickly in case you have not noticed the incident. In any situation it is interesting that parents have notions of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to be able to act if there is no lifeguard, and while emergency services arrive, which we should call immediately.

Swimming in the pool with babies

Smaller babies are the most vulnerable in the water, and can not bathe alone in any case, because they do not control their movements, they do not serve sleeves or floats. There are baby carriers suitable for bathing with them, and if not in arms it will be very fun.

If the child is still small but still standing, it is convenient to stay in the children's pool, which is usually small, or restrict an area of ​​the pool, choosing as logical the shallowest area and near the curbs. This will run less risk and it will be easier to control for the adult.

Other important precautions

They are not exclusive precautions of the pool, but we can not forget such important issues as sunscreen or digestion time.

It is convenient not to go to the pool, if it is sunny, in the central hours of the day, and in any case do it with the protective cream well applied. If we are going to be in the sun for a long time, we must replenish the cream, and when we are out of the water we will look for the shade of umbrellas, trees ... In short, we must not neglect the sunscreen of children.

It is not appropriate to jump into the water after a copious meal, so we will leave enough time to rest and digestion. If the food (lunch, snack) is light, there will be no problem in the bathroom as long as the water temperature is not extreme and there is no great effort that exhausts the child.

It is also good if the water is too cold to enter the pool little by little, soaking feet and wrists first, to avoid thermal shock.

Usually the pool is a rich experience for the development of the child, and we want it to remain so, because it has a lot to contribute and contribute to all of us.

Therefore it is important to follow these Safety tips for the pool with children, starting with active and continuous surveillance. In all likelihood this summer we will put them into practice on more than one occasion and we will have a great time, and cool, in family.

Photos | roger4336 and BuzzFarmers on Flickr-CC On Babies and more | The dangers of inflatable swimming pools, Preventing children's drowning, Enjoy with the baby in the pool

Video: Swimming Pool Is More Dangerous Than You Used to Think (July 2024).