Babies highlights and more: from December 7 to 13

Today, like every Monday, we review highlights of the last week in Babies and more.

Immersed in the pre-Christmas period we have continued to complete our Christmas Special with various options: We have known the beautiful homemade Christmas cookies from Carlota's and even a crib made with cookies.

We have also offered a few tips to avoid an avalanche of gifts at Christmas, the possibility of printing and sending to the Magi some exclusive letters from Babies and more, a few tips to make your own letter so that Santa Claus responds to children and A Christmas gift guide with 10 children's books with surprise. Eva has explained to us what PEGI is to know everything about your children's video games, we have explained surprised that war toys are still sold (and bought) and we have made a new tutorial with the instructions to make a mouse for the home computer of Pocoyo

We have known another benefit derived from breastfeeding, since breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer, which genetic alterations promote childhood obesity and we have learned how milk teeth fall and the definitive ones come out.

We have also been able to see a beautiful and exciting video of a birth in the water, we have known a chilling fact: 75% of women suffer labor problems as a result of their maternity and we have seen Mozart again in Babies and more, since We have talked about the Mozart effect in premature babies.

We have commented on one of the situations that we would not want to happen to us, but that sometimes happens to parents at the entrance: My daughter's stuffed animal has been lost! We have commented on an interview with a childhood expert named Francesco Tonucci in which states that "Children should go to school alone since age 6" and we have started discussions with our readers with the question: How many children would you have if you had more money?

Finally, we have announced the next interview of a whole referent regarding natural and respected birth, Dr. Emilio Santos.