Babies born with low weight and in childhood are obese, have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease

A study conducted by the University General Hospital of Valencia reveals that Babies born with less than 2.5 kilos of weight and in childhood become obese, have a higher risk of suffering cardiovascular diseases in the future, such as high blood pressure, ischemic heart disease, etc.

The simple fact of being born with low weight can already predispose to suffer early vascular alterations, it may be the case of more elastic but less resistant blood vessels, which ends up increasing blood pressure.

Babies with low birth weight have lower blood pressure than babies born with a weight that is within the parameters set as normal, but during the first month, the pressure increases to be at a normal level. But by joining the problem of reduced weight to the development of childhood obesity, the problems multiply, as this can also lead to problems such as cholesterol, diabetes or hypertension, greatly increasing the risks of suffering from cardiovascular problems. In principle, cardiovascular risk depends on certain genetic and environmental factors, but fetals have joined. Both environmental and fetal factors can be controlled and prevented, starting with the fetal ones, as is logical, the future mother is in control, because it will depend on the care provided during pregnancy.

Subsequently avoiding overweight, it is also the parents' task, providing the child with a healthy diet and educating them in the habit of exercising, will be a powerful weapon to prevent childhood obesity.

Although many times, especially when you are young, you think that diseases are not going to affect you, you have to be aware that the body will reflect in the future the treatment you have given it. Both good and bad, in adulthood or old age, you will get the results. Take care of yourself and you will be taking care of your children.

Video: Low Birth Weight in Infants: Dr. Soliman, CHOC Children's (July 2024).