Great chefs will teach about nutritional habits in Spanish schools

The high rate of overweight and obesity that reflects the Spanish children's community is a fact more considered by the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition, the result of growing concern we know a new initiative that will involve this agency and renowned chefs. The purpose is teach in schools what are the recommended nutritional habits.

All the initiatives carried out by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs are subject to the NAOS Strategy that we have already talked about in Babies and more. It is not a repetitive issue, the reality is that it is necessary to act in this way given the increasing statistics that reflect that overweight and obesity are increasing.

The cooking workshops for children will begin next November, we hope they get the attention of the little ones, the fact that they involve great chefs can be a good move to raise awareness. They have not yet reported on the schools that will benefit from the new program, although we expect it to be nationwide.

A good solution would be what we have commented on other occasions, creating a subject of nutrition and cooking, since other aspects such as sociability would be encouraged. Hopefully, the involvement of the Ministry of Health is increasing every day and finally the disease that is considered an epidemic of the 21st century can be eliminated.

Video: Teach every child about food. Jamie Oliver (July 2024).