Standing or walking shortens the first phase of labor

We already know that staying in bed, still during labor, does not favor the dilation and progress of the process, and now a new study shows that There are benefits without risks of standing or moving during the first stage of labor.

The researchers used 21 studies conducted in developed countries since the 1960s in which 3,706 women had participated. They found that in the first phase of labor it was reduced up to an hour in those that remained in upright postures compared to those that were lying down.

Of course, the difficulties come when you are hooked to the monitors in the hospital, and maybe, as happened in my case, even if you ask for more mobility, the midwife advised me to get up "because I was not going to move forward".

But again it is confirmed that the first phase of birth was much shorter for women who stood on their knees, standing, walking or sitting upright than for those who were lying according to the data collected by the study.

The study, published in the magazine "The Cochrane Library", has been carried out at the Institute of Women's and Children's Health of Townsville Hospital in Queensland (Australia).

So you know, if we are in the hospital, even to go from the dilation room to the delivery room, if we can walk, the better. The pelvic swing only favors the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Video: 10 Minute Labor Inducing Workout! Exercises to Prepare Your Body For Labor & Delivery (July 2024).