The list of "weird" things that normal mothers do

There are hundreds or thousands of books, magazines, websites and places where we can find very valuable and useful information about parenting and motherhood. But most of them, mainly include advice or data on specialized topics, which serve us very much to those who live that wonderfully chaotic adventure of being parents.

But what about those unexpected things that nobody tells you? A mother shares in a viral publication the "weird" things that normal mothers do. Surely you identify with more than one.

During my pregnancy, I read some books about that stage and parenting during the first year. You know: information to know how my belly was growing, tips on how to care for a newborn, and so on. Y then I became a mother, and everything changed.

Although I have been adapting little by little and over the years I have gained experience, the truth is that although there is a lot of information, the real experiences of other mothers are the ones that really prepare you and help you not to feel so crazy or weird in this maternal world.

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Before I was a mom, it would probably never have occurred to me to do or say certain things. Besides that my mentality has now changed and the value of things is very different from what I used to give them in my previous life to be a mother, there are some very peculiar situations that you only live when you are a mother and that may seem strange to those without children.

An example of this is the funny and fun list prepared by Amy Weatherly, a mother of three who shares in her personal blog the experiences that motherhood has given her in a sincere and natural way.

Recently, through a post on her Facebook page, Amy shared a list of "weird" things that normal moms do: those situations that are not mentioned in the books, but with which no doubt we can all identify them with at least one.

If you have half a box of marshmallow cereal without marshmallows, it's because everyone has been taken ...

If you've joined a gym for daycare ...

If you say "don't bite your nose" more times a day than "I love you", or that any other phrase actually ...

If you have ever put on a mask and then you have realized that you need to leave at that moment and you leave as you are ...

If you have ever used a frozen food package as a cold compress ...

If you have been asked if you can install a splitter in your car like in taxis ...

If you had to take toys out of the bathtub before you could use it ...

If you thought they were joking when they said "is it poop or chocolate?" and now you realize that it was not a joke at all ...

If you have lost your keys three times in just two days ...

If the last thing you read all day was a list of reviews about a little coach…

If you know how to get an object stuck from a child's nose ...

If you have between five and 10 piles of laundry at home ...

If you start a diet on Monday and leave it on Tuesday at noon ...

If your first instinct was to laugh when your son started crying after stepping on a piece of Lego ...

If crumbs fall from your bra when removed ...

If you only have a bra that fits you well ...

If your children wonder where you are going, just because today you are wearing makeup ...

If the most modern song you know at this time in the Paw Patrol ...

If you discover your child playing in the bathroom with the towel you use to wash your face ...

If the doctor is worried about a rare allergy on your child's skin, but then it turns out that his brother had made drawings with a red marker pen ...

If you have ever bought cookies, you have taken them out of their packaging, put on a plate and said they are made at home ...

If Amazon is your best friend ...

If the food delivery service is your other best friend ...

If you've ever helped your child find that toy you actually threw in the trash a couple of days ago ...

If you tell your children that you are keeping all their drawings and school work in a special box, but in reality you are throwing them away ...

If you found old food in the back seat of your car ...

If the suggestions on Netflix are a mix of series for adults and children's programs ...

If your heart lights up when you see girls who could be potential nannies for your children ...

If you only have half your nails painted and they are all different colors, just because your daughter was lazy to finish ...

If the dark circles under your eyes look like they are going to start covering your entire face ...

If you've ever shouted "STOP SHOUTING" at full throttle ...

If you have Halloween candy hidden in your closet ...

If one of your hobbies includes sitting alone in your car after leaving your children somewhere ...

If half of the numbers stored on your mobile include in the name "Mom of" ...

If your back hurts because your son climbed into your bed and kicked you in the kidneys all night ...

If you have ever left your children in extracurricular course and thought "I wonder if they will know that we are going to eat without them" ...

You could be a normal mom, if that were something real.

With love for all, Amy.

As Amy says at the end of her list, we could not say that there are "normal" moms. Every woman lives motherhood differently, but without a doubt We have all encountered some situation that we may not have imagined before having children.

Particularly I identify a lot with the points of losing my keys frequently (I will continue to blame the "mommy brain" of pregnancy until my daughter is a teenager), with having children's songs all day in my mind, with the mixture of rare suggestions in Netflix, and yes, with that terrible moment when you don't know if it's poop or chocolate.

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To the list of Amy surely more than one could add other amount of "weird" things we do completely normal moms. I can think of some like:

  • If you have ever fled to the bathroom to have five minutes alone, even if your children are behind the door talking to you.
  • If you have hidden in the kitchen to eat a chocolate and not be asked for a piece ... or the complete chocolate.
  • If you have longed for the night to come to sleep your children and be able to watch something on TV, but the moment you sit down you fall deeply asleep.
  • If you have taught your children to use cereal to be able to sleep a few extra minutes in the weekend mornings (I have not yet reached that stage, but some friends with older children have told me).
  • If you have ever given up tiredness and choose to feed them something bought instead of preparing food from scratch.
  • If you have fallen asleep and have gone to school without seeing you in the mirror before, to return and realize that disheveled "look".
  • If you have wanted to have time alone, but the minute you run out of your children you miss them and you start to see their photos.

Amy's original post has received comments from mothers stating the situations she lists, and also sharing those they have been through. In an interview for Babble, Amy comments that many felt identified because at the end of the day, We just want to know that we are well and that our children will be too, although sometimes we are a disaster and we have no idea what we are doing.

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Not a perfect or written way of how to be mothers. A lot of what we learn and the situations that are presented to us, arise suddenly and we are looking for solutions or ways of doing things as everything goes on.

The manual with all the answers to be a mother does not exist, and we each do the best we can with the resources, skills and knowledge we all have. So if you ever think that you are going through a strange or peculiar situation, you can be calm: you are a "normal" mom, like everyone else, and you are not alone.

Video: XLOOKUP: Search from the bottom and top of a list (July 2024).