Go to work with the children

A few days ago I talked about the problem of clandestine nurseries in Fuente Álamo, Murcia, in which given the large number of day laborers with schedules of more than 12 hours in the town, their children are cared for by residents of the town who do business with it .

I wanted to go to the root of the problem, which is not that there are such nurseries, because this is the consequence, but that the mothers of these children work 12 hours and their children must be cared for by the residents of the town to not be able to leave them in municipal nurseries as the law indicates that a child can not be more than 8 hours in a nursery.

As a possible solution I named two, decrease the working day or take the child to work. The latter, which sounds so strange, is in our country (and in many others) but it is not an extinct practice in the world, far from it.

In this photo, we can see a dad (I think from Almeria) working with his daughter. I know of a professor of Economic Sciences who takes his daughter to teach and I'm sure there are many more cases that I don't know.

The question is: why not? I know it sounds totally dissonant at a time in society when children seem to bother me for everything. Going to the hairdresser, to the doctor, to the supermarket, to have dinner with friends, to a wedding, to… they are all events in which they seem to have no place and where they often even look at you badly if you take your child (who doesn't I understand or want) but there are jobs that a child can be with his father or mother perfectly without this causing any problem and it seems to me that it would be a good option. I repeat, option.

This is a measure of work and family conciliation. Strange for the unusual, but tremendously effective, isn't it?

Here you have another photo of a sweeper from Mexico that takes your child to work.

Video: Kenny Rogers - Children, Go Where I Send Thee feat. Home Free (May 2024).