Do nests, nurseries or nurseries, do they serve anything?

The nests, also known as nurseries in some countries of Latin America, these places are somewhat disturbing in my opinion to those who Newborn babies are taken and placed in cribs, away from their mothers. Do you hear the image of parents looking at glass lines of cribs with babies to see if they recognize yours? Well, that.

Fortunately, I believe that this practice is no longer as widespread as it was a few decades ago, following recommendations from organizations such as UMS or UNICEF, and we are more aware of the importance of contact between the newborn baby and the mother.

I do not know cases of hospitals with nests or moms who have made use of them, although online we can see that it is still common practice in many hospitals and that it is also offered as an “extra” quality. It is not difficult to find modern images of babies in nests, a custom that seems to be more widespread in Anglo-Saxon countries and Latin America.

We could say that the nests are in case the mother needs to rest, because she is exhausted, that on the other hand it will be as normal after childbirth (did any one look like a rose?). However, voluntarily and without reason to separate the newborn baby from the mother It's something unnatural and even inhuman.

But leaving aside my appreciation of this practice as quite heartless, of course, from the most objective and scientific point of view, it would not be one of the best practices of the baby's first hours of life, nor would we be facilitating the establishment of breastfeeding. Not even the bond with the baby.

Yes, that nothing will happen if we leave the baby a couple of nights in the nest, I'm sure that we want it the same and he does to us, that there are many ways to establish the link and these specific events will not be decisive, that there are Babies who are necessarily separated from their mothers for health reasons and therefore do not have less love ...

I believe that it will not be decisive, but the primal stage is fundamental for the development of the baby, when the basis of his personality is laid, and apart from that they are unique and unique moments.

And regarding breastfeeding, it is indisputable that this method completely contradicts its correct establishment, since the newborn baby has to suck as often as possible for a good milk production, and can not be several hours apart from the mother without breastfeeding and without receiving everything you need in those first moments of life.

I imagine that moms who decide that their child go to the nest are already clear that they will not breastfeed, or in any case they should receive all the information and warnings about it from the health staff, who is obliged to encourage breastfeeding on demand.

But the most important thing is that the hospital should facilitate the cohabitation of mothers and children 24 hours a day.

If the mother is tired and sore, she needs the help and understanding of your entire environment, from medical professionals to family members and especially from the couple or companion who should provide the mother with rest and help with the baby.

Finally, the fact that in a room there are several babies in their cribs, without close company of adults, crying most of the time, is not precisely the idea of ​​being born in a cozy environment, and surely the baby leaves to stress much more than if he stayed in touch with his mother and in a warm and silent environment.

It seems to me that the situation of parents and babies that have to separate for health reasons seems to be quite hard to even consider this "resting modality". To you, What do you think of nests or cribs? Would you use them in any case? Do you know anyone who has left their baby one night in these rooms?