Associations of parents of colleges disagree about the strike of duties

It seems that the recent news that in France the parents have carried out a homework strike It has had an impact on more European countries and one of them is Spain and that is that parents associations CEAPA (Spanish Confederation of Associations of Parents of Students of public schools) and the CONCAPA (Catholic Confederation of Parents and Parents of Students) keep on the subject positions found.

The CEAPA is in favor of the abolition of duties and against the CONCAPA create a serious mistake delete duties. The CEAPA He said that he agrees with the fifteen-day call for school duties, which took place in France and is studying promoting something similar in Spain. This Association that represents a sector of the Public School alleges that for some time there has been an increase in the number of duties to perform at home, which it believes shows that schools do not respond to current educational needs .

This Confederation also points out, that all this leads to inequalities among children since everything depends on the economic level of the parents, explaining that while some can afford to pay private classes or academies others cannot do so and this is reflected in the qualifications.

CEAPA proposes to reform the educational curriculum, to establish a more motivating education, adapted to the society of the 21st century, as well as that all the educational centers offer reinforcement programs, so that at the end of the school day the students with more difficulties remain a limited time in school and receive some kind of support in the subjects that are more late.

On the other hand the CONCAPA believes that the strike at home school duties that has arisen in France to the only thing that can contribute is to increase school failure since daily duties help to create a habit of work, order and improvement, in which the family should be involved, stimulating children's learning.

Likewise CONCAPA stresses that those who intend to suppress school duties do not offer alternatives to end school failure and improve student performance, indicating that the elimination of homework is an irresponsible fact that would lead to serious damage to the training of children.

Also in the press release CONCAPA He says that the school tasks carried out at home involve discipline and effort, providing children with an unquestionable pedagogical value such as learning to be responsible daily, fulfilling their tasks and reinforcing their reasoning and memory capacity, also having the help of the universal library that It's internet today.

Remember in this Confederacy that today Spanish students are at the tail of Europe and understand that what is questionable is whether the workload involved in homework is excessive or not.

In my opinion I think it would be good to consider a middle term for this topic and it seems to me that homework should not be suppressed although children should not be overloaded with homework when arriving home and I am sure that you can reach a balanced agreement on this subject because as I have commented on other occasions extremisms were never good.

Video: HLS Library Book Talk. The Education of an Idealist (July 2024).