Prevent obesity from the health field

We finish our tour of the effective recommendations to prevent obesity from different areas, focusing on the toilet, on the health system. What can health professionals and the health system in general do to prevent obesity in children and adolescents?

From the health field, different aspects can be influenced for this, from the recommendation of breastfeeding to pregnant women and mothers to the elaboration of institutional campaigns that promote good nutrition and physical activity.

These are the tips to prevent overweight whose fulfillment has been proven effective in different studies, and whose protagonists are babies and children:

  • In the visits of follow-up of infantile health it is recommended to include the nutritional advice and of promotion of the physical activity adapted to the age.
  • In pediatric and general medicine consultations, it is recommended to promote the eating and exercise habits of children and the whole family. All professionals in the primary care team should be involved in the assumption and dissemination of messages about healthy eating and physical exercise.

  • Interventions to promote healthy eating and encourage physical activity should favor a positive image of the body itself and help build and strengthen children's self-esteem. It is recommended to take special care to avoid stigmatization and blaming of overweight children or their families. We already speak in our pages of the necessary and recommended psychological support to treat childhood obesity.

  • In the messages to minors, the recreational and enriching aspects of physical activity and a varied diet (fun, pleasure, new flavors, well-being, enjoyment with partners ...) should be emphasized, paying attention to their preferences, leaving a second term the messages related to health and illness.
  • To support the educational work of health personnel, public health services must provide written or audiovisual support materials for professionals and families, with non-discriminatory content and culturally adapted to different social groups.
  • Activities and messages must be adapted to the specific characteristics of each child and their family, taking into account their needs and preferences. Strategies or techniques such as motivational interviews may be appropriate in these processes.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for six months because of the numerous health benefits of children.

As we see, prevent the obesity of our children It is a task in which the whole society, family, school and health are involved. We must not neglect those points where we can act to enjoy, and enjoy all in family, better health.

Video: Preventing Childhood Obesity Eating Better, Moving More (May 2024).