Conceive after assisted reproduction: being parents against all odds

There are many couples with infertility problems that have not been successful after undergoing assisted reproduction techniques. But when they thought everything was lost ... zas! pregnancy comes naturally and they achieve be parents against all odds.

It is a great frustration to have gone through one or more assisted reproduction treatments and not get pregnant. But there are few couples who after throwing in the towel because science has not been able to solve their problems, they manage to conceive.

In the magazine 'Fertility and Sterility' a study carried out in France according to which 24 percent of couples who underwent unsuccessful assisted reproduction treatments, specifically in vitro fertilization treatments, managed to have children between seven and nine years later spontaneously.

Further, 17 percent of couples who had already managed to have children through assisted reproduction treatment, they conceived unexpectedly when they already thought they would not be parents again.

Stress in fertility treatments

In these cases the phrases are frequent: “You will see that when you least expect it you will get pregnant”, “Hope is the last thing you lose”, “When stress passes you will see as if”. And indeed there may be some of that, because in many cases the anxiety to achieve pregnancy plays bad passes.

Undergoing fertility treatment is a very important decision for a couple. The emotional pressure behind fertility treatment leads, to a greater or lesser extent, to a situation of anguish, especially if the pregnancy does not come after several attempts.

Some experts compare it to a stress level similar to that of a patient suffering from cancer or a cardiac pathology, to the point that it can negatively affect the success of the treatment.

In women, stress affects the menstrual cycle, resulting in anovulation, irregular cycles or lack of menstruation. While in men the volume of semen and the concentration of sperm decreases.

The most nervous peaks for the couple in treatment are usually the day of ovarian puncture, embryo transfer and 15 days of waiting to know the result of the blood pregnancy test.

One in four allegedly infertile couples is not

The approximate success rate in assisted reproduction treatments is around 50 percent. That is, that of the other half that is unsuccessful, one in four supposedly infertile couples is not. If we add the percentage that manages to conceive spontaneously after having been parents through some TRA, Few sterile couples have absolute sterility.

The figure is striking, but it should be clarified that the majority of cases of couples who managed to be parents against all odds were young women and couples with infertility of unknown cause, considered as having a good prognosis. On the other hand, many treatments associated with assisted reproduction can have long-term effects, such as some therapies for endometriosis or certain surgeries.

Still, it has to think. While assisted reproduction treatments are increasingly effective and make many couples realize the dream of being parents, they have an unkind face that is the disappointment and wear and tear of not getting it.

But maybe after assisted reproduction not everything is lost and at least expect it, get be parents against all odds.

Video: Odds of Having Twins with IVF. Infertility (April 2024).