Does emotional intelligence work hard enough at school? the question of the week

One more week, we stop one more Wednesday to perform the question of the week, in order to know your opinion on an interesting and current topic, as well as to review the answers given to the question of the previous week.

This week I would like to ask you about a topic that, personally, I am passionate about and an important counselor for the development of our children: emotional intelligence. Surely at home, the values ​​covered by this term (being aware of other people's feelings, being empathetic ...) are reinforced day by day but, outside the family environment ?.

Therefore, this week we want to know your opinion about whether

Does emotional intelligence work hard enough at school?

We want to know what your plans are with children for these holidays: if you go on a trip, rural or cultural tourism, hiking, to the movies ... or if you just stay at home trying to rest.

Last week's question

Seven days ago we asked you the following question: What would you improve in the playgrounds of your city ?, and we want to thank you for your participation.

Among all the responses received, the one that has had the most votes has been Anamare, who commented:

My town has many green areas, but they are very neglected. I think the problem is that they are designed by architects (who are not usually users of these), they are built by cutting expenses to the maximum and then the citizens make a bad use (young people with motorbikes above the sidewalks, people who leave the excrements of their dogs all over the city, children who throw the wrappings of their snacks on the ground, parents who allow their children to kick the plants ...). It's a shame, because in the end the parks are the ugliest and most insecure place, and we end up walking through the industrial estate or between the fields. I would send you photos to show that I am not exaggerating.

During these seven days you can respond to the question of the week in our Baby Answers section and more. We await your answers and comments so that next week we can share it with all our readers.

In Babies and more Answers | Does emotional intelligence work hard enough at school?

Video: What Does Emotional Intelligence Look Like? Theory Hardware Interview (July 2024).