RTVE confirms that it will launch a radio aimed at children called Radio Clan

Leopoldo González-Echenique, president of RTVE has recently confirmed in the Senate that they are preparing to launch a radio aimed at children, which will be called Clan radio. The objective is that the radio can be heard on the Internet, mobile phones and tablets and that it has an audience between 0 and 12 years old, although it is necessary for parents to collaborate in their tuning.

In the Radio Clan project, professionals from Clan TV, National Radio and RTVE.es. In this new radio, children will find their favorite Clan TV characters performing entertaining programs, with a focus on learning, also of languages, and in which many styles of music can be heard. The project managers intend to be the first children's thematic radio in Spain, with a vocation for public service and with a tight budget.

The radio will premiere at end of 2013 so we will be attentive to the news they offer and we will try to tune it in the car to learn more about this interesting project.

I think that a radio for children is not a good project because children at home have television or the Internet to access the contents of Clan and the radio has long since left the living room of homes. Although I do see her in the car, what seems more difficult for me is that the parents also agree to lose control of the radio control in the medium-long journeys. And it is that if it can be heard through the Internet we return to the first point because in cars we can also use the tablets to see the series of our children while maintaining a reasonable Internet connection.

Video: RickRoll'D (May 2024).