Why mothers can't live without cleaning wipes

Give a wipe to a mother and she will save the world. It's hard to imagine what was in our life before we had children and before we knew the countless utilities that wipes can have. Of course, they are basic for changing diapers, and we don't even conceive of leaving home without them in the shopping bag. But it is also its use has been extended and before any spot or mishap, a mother will always take a cleaning wipe from her bag at the right time and as a solution to all evils.

Diaper changing wipes

The cleaning wipes are basic for changing the diaper: they clean quickly and efficiently, leave a good smell, and take care of the sensitive skin of babies' culete, especially if they have aloe vera and chamomile (known for their high soothing and moisturizing power), such as the Baby Moments cleansing wipes from Chicco. A soft solution with the skin and very practical that does not take up too much space in the bag.

The Chicco cleaning wipes They are made in a soft cellulose fabric, with a texture that takes care of the baby's skin while cleaning easily. These wipes are free of parabens, SLS and SLES, and have no alcohol. They have been dermatologically tested on sensitive skin, they are hypoallergenic, that is, they are formulated in order to minimize the risk of allergies, and have the same pH as the skin to avoid irritation.

Chamomile and aloe vera are recognized for their moisturizing, soothing, softening properties, healing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory for skin care. We must bear in mind that we repeat the gesture of cleaning the skin of the baby's ass several times a day and such a frequent rub can irritate it if it is not done with safe products for its delicate skin.

All the uses we can give to wipes

There is no stain that resists wipes: the mash that the baby spits, the marker's paint on the hands, and also the child's all sticky hands the day he starts playing with dirt and with you go to know what on the floor. The wipes are used to clean face and hands and are almost infallible even with clothes and footwear (it is the only way to clean a little the white sneakers that children wear).

They end up with all kinds of unidentifiable dirt (the most common in children) in an instant. If there is a spill of chocolate milkshake, juice, etc. caused by a child, you can trust that the first thing a mother or father will do is take hold of the cleaning wipes.

As children grow up and even when they no longer use a diaper, the wipes become so essential that mothers always carry them in their purses. We have become so accustomed to using them for everything that we can no longer live without them anymore.

You think that when the baby grows and learns to control the theme of the diaper, the cleaning of curtains and clothes will end, but the truth is that the children they keep staining everything around them when they get older: There is no way for your clothes to get home clean if they have been playing for a while in the park, and when they are learning to eat, food always appears in the most unexpected places: on the floor, behind their ears, on the tray from the high chair, and sometimes even on the kitchen walls. Nothing that can't be cleaned by the magic wipes. I don't know what we would do without them.

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