Many adventures and great battles in Transformers: the era of extinction (Transformers: age of extinction)

We have gone to see the last movie of the Transformers, an adventure of one hundred and sixty minutes long with a good rhythm and spectacular scenes especially those that take place in Chicago and in Hong Kong. The protagonists of the movie are a inventor, a bit of a pot but with a certain vision of the future, his teenage daughter that is shown in the film with all the features that young people have at that age, and the girl's boyfriend, who is a great racing driver and who offers great car chase scenes. Although there are many more characters, all very evil and with very perverse ideas. Luckily, the Transformers find a way to ensure that everything is reasonable and that the bad ones do not win, the good ones triumph and the extinction does not occur.

In the movie there are a lot of camaraderie, especially among the Transformers and some humans, who are willing to give their all to defeat the wicked. There are impressive scenes with battles that never end, with fights between the robots, and images of melee fights among very good humans like one in Hong Kong in a building that has fascinating cinematic possibilities.

With robots it happens to me that I find it difficult to follow them, and there are Autobots, Decepticons, Transformium Dinosarios and even a Galvatron! which is incorporated as a novelty. The spatial effects around the Transformers are typical, they do not stop transforming while the camera rotates around them and there is always a new component that arises while listening to scrap sounds, bearings and metal gears. The new evil robots remind me of the effects we saw in Terminator 2, and that fascinated our generation, although now they are much more spectacular. And is that the pieces disperse and come together again in such a way that it seems that it makes them impossible to destroy. I think that in some television commercial we have seen similar effects and of course on the screen they look great.

For the Kids with more fondness for science fiction and fun before the big screen Transformers is a fantastic show for the entire family. Popcorn cinema, soda and free time to have a great time watching battles, adventures, great landscapes, cities of the world and entertainment with good ones that are very good, bad ones that are even redeemed and bad ones that are bad throughout the movie and that make The story progresses to the last minute.

Here is the trailer:

We remember that the movie of Paramount pictures has been directed by Michael bay and that it is the first film to reach a collection of 1,000 million dollars worldwide. No wonder because movies are becoming more global with scenarios across the planet that ensure audiences everywhere. Thus, in China the film has broken record beating the 300 million dollars.

The film stars, among others, by Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, my favorite, Kelsey Grammer, better known by Frasier and here is a very bad evil full of attractions.

In Cinema Blog | Transformers
In Peques and More | The Transformers soundtrack, the era of extinction is from the Grammy Imagine Dragons award winning musical group

Video: Transformers 4 : Age of Extinction - Final Full Battle Part 33 4k (July 2024).