Snow sports with children: tips to enjoy without risks

Many families are on vacation these days and routines are broken to enjoy new and different activities. If you have thought practice some snow sport with the children or just play with the snow, here are some tips so that the cold does not give us any fright.

Ski, snowboard, ice skating, sledding, "construction" of snowmen ... The possibilities are many and the little ones enjoy the snow, but you have to take care that they do not get cold, because so much enjoyment can make you forget the cold. Hypothermia is more common in children, since its thermoregulatory capacity is immature.

Outdoors and with very low temperatures, children are very sensitive and their body may not generate enough heat to feel well. The playful context in which these activities are registered in the snow favors that the little ones do not realize that they are cooling.

The Spanish Society of Outpatient Pediatrics and Primary Care has prepared some tips for children not to suffer hypothermia in the snow and how to act if this occurs.

First of all, you should talk to them and explain that they should not get wet and if they get wet you have to let them know to stop and change. Also warn them that if they are tired we can stop to eat something, rehydrate and rest. In any case, it is necessary to stop from time to time for this, since if we do not do it, it is easier for hypothermia or an accident.

The clothes they wear must be insulating, adjusted to their size and with several thin layers underneath. Shoes or boots must also be waterproof and must have a fat cotton sock. Don't forget waterproof gloves so they can touch the snow without getting wet.

If you notice that the child cries, shows discomfort or is irritable, or enters a state of drowsiness or lethargy, you must act immediately and take it to a warm place to check if your body is cold. It would be necessary to remove the wet clothes and replace it with dry clothes, isolate it from the floor, wrap it with blankets, give temperate drinks to swallows ...

Definitely, try to return to its normal temperature. If you notice neurological abnormalities, confusion ... call emergency services immediately while doing all the above advice.

Snow accidents

Another issue that may pose a risk in the snow is accidents. To prevent burns we must ensure that children have skin protected with sunscreen, as well as lips. The sun is intensely reflected in the snow and can cause burns. The eyes must also be protected with approved glasses to prevent retinal injuries.

To avoid injuries from falls, children must wear a helmet and not leave them alone or access places with a lot of slope or rocks ... And of course in the case of ski resorts do not leave the marked places and suitable for young children.

In addition, before practicing sports it is advisable to warm up and do stretching to prepare the joints and muscles, especially if you have not exercised for some time and especially if it is very cold. Do not leave the place of departure or wait for it to get very late, when the sun goes down and does not heat up so much, nor that it gets dark at night.

In short, for enjoy with the children the countless benefits of sport and fun in the snow, follow these tips, many of them common sense, and don't forget to check the weather forecasts.