A company designs dolls that have scars and use hearing aids

Makies is a British custom doll manufacturing company designed to be similar to the girls and boys to whom they are intended. Moved by the campaign #ToyLikeMe which promotes greater integration in toys, have designed dolls that have scars and wear hearing aids.

For this they have designed new accessories so that children can adapt them to their similarity, hearing aids, spots on the face, guide dog are some of these accessories.

Alice Taylor, Executive Director of MakieLab said she was touched by the Toy Like Me campaign and that when one of the campaign's promoting mothers got in touch with the company to see if they could help them by creating dolls that looked more like the children they represented. Without further thinking, the company's design department began working on new accessories for its dolls, as well as new models.

The company currently has three dolls, one with spots on the face, another that represents a deaf girl with a hearing aid and making the "I love you" sign in the sign language and another with glasses and who needs to walk with a cane.

The dolls can be obtained for some 115 euros in your online store, as well as several accessories separately.

The company has also announced that it is working on a new accessory that will be a wheelchair.

A magnificent initiative, which will surely make many children happy and help them to express how their singularities affect them through play.

Video: Breaking News - Parents slam Target for dolls named 'four eyes' (July 2024).