Telephone 116000, direct attention line in cases of missing children

A sensitive issue such as the disappearance of children, which we would never like to face in the first person (of course, it is also worrying from afar), has taken a turn regarding the methods of care for those affected. Something that the relatives of the disappeared have always claimed is the late attention paid to these cases, when the first hours may be essential for their resolution.

That is why it is good news that will soon be available in Spain with a direct telephone line that the Ministry of Interior will launch to deal with cases of missing children. The number 116000 will immediately collect the complaint calls for the disappearance of minors, as well as any relevant information for police investigations.

This new "Hotline for cases of missing children" will be assigned the same number with which similar services already work in other countries of the European Union such as Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal or Romania.

In this sense, there is another creation, the High Risk Disappearance Alert System (SADAR), which will allow those responsible for the investigation to issue alerts or collaborative notices to citizens through the media and will have cross-border character. A measure that was claimed for a while.

Of course, I consider that these are fundamental measures when it comes to expediting the procedures and investigative response capacity, in those first hours of disappearance of children That can be crucial.

Video: The 2018 National Memorial Day Parade - Live Stream (June 2024).