Why this summer it will be impossible for you to get a good family photo (video)

When we go on vacation, we spend time in family and do different things from day to day, we always try to immortalize those moments in some way, so that when time passes we can rescue those memories through the photos and to share those moments As soon as possible on social networks.

What happens is that when you have children, getting a good family photo is almost impossible task. When you see the perfect photo, you take out the camera or mobile and then the moment has passed. When you have the camera in your hand and ask them to pose, there is always one to call attention to get to look at the camera and, when you get it, the other is already looking elsewhere or putting your finger in your nose.

Come on it is practically impossible to get a good family photo and a group of fathers and mothers with their children wanted to stage it with a fun video, with song and all versioned (by Bon Jovi).

Surely you have been identified in more than one scene, that when they are good for the photo, you do not get it, or it is blurred, and when you want, there is no way: one who drops the ice cream, another who look at I do not know where, the one who puts faces on the camera, tired of walking so much when you have been just an hour out of the car that says he does not want to go out in any photo and so the events are taking place while you take pictures with hope that, at the end of the day, you can rescue some.

Who hears, maybe the fault in the end is ours for trying to immortalize an image that does not represent us. Are we all so perfect and moderate as to pose without moving for several seconds and show in the photos a family with exquisite behavior? Well with small children difficult. Let's go then to make the most normal and natural photos, we are going to pose a little less and so we will capture moments that do happen in the holidays without forcing them: children eating ice cream, having fun, playing, parents talking with children, all eating together, etc.

Surely in that daily life, with each one doing a different thing and looking wherever he has his attention, the photos are perfect, don't you think?

And if not, then keep trying that inn that never comes out as one waits until, when you finally have it, the mobile flies out and falls into the water (well, I hope this is not as usual as everything else). And if you get it, you know: to share it as soon as possible on Facebook. If nobody sees what you have done, it is as if you had not done it (irony, of course).

Video: If You Say WOW, You LOSE! IMPOSSIBLE Ft. Reaction Time & DangMattSmith (May 2024).