5 infallible ideas to entertain the baby and stimulate his creativity

Newborn babies usually sleep an average of between 16 and 18 hours a day at intervals of 3 or 4 hours, but after 6 weeks of life they will begin to sleep for shorter and lighter periods during the day and longer and deeper at night.

During the time you stay awake, the baby will begin to communicate through the smile in response to some stimuli such as a familiar voice, his mother's face, some pleasant sound ... It's time to Take advantage of your baby's innate curiosity and stimulate her creativity to entertain her. Here are five ideas to get it:

Sitting in the hammock

Your baby is awake, has eaten and you have already changed his diaper. He is calm and safe when he feels you near him and every time you notice that you are more interested in the environment around you. That innate need to learn and explore the unknown will be more pleasant if it can communicate with you through a smile or emitting its first sounds. If your answer is pleasant and close, you will encourage your baby to continue experimenting with the objects that he may have nearby, the music he is listening to or the landscape he is admiring at that moment.

So that you can be as close as possible to your child as long as you can and witness their small findings, feel it in the Balloon de Chicco hammock and take it with you to any room in the house. The hammock contains a game bar with three nice hangers and a removable system of colored lights, fun melodies, relaxing nannies and sounds of nature that you can then hang on your crib. It also allows you to record a personalized message about 30 seconds long because For your baby there is no tune more beautiful than the one produced by your voice.

You can place your baby in this hammock from the first day of life until 6 months of age thanks to its special reducer for newborns and the reclining headrest in three positions. The backrest is reclining in 4 positions. If you prefer, the hammock It can become a rocker and has a perfect vibration system to calm your baby. It can be folded by staying super flat and compact, and has side handles for easy transport.

Experiencing different textures

Sitting in the hammock you can continue discovering the world while listening to the melodies, playing with the hangers or relaxing with the vibrating mode. At this time they also find it very enriching and entertaining experiment with fabrics of different textures, materials or thicknesses. We are talking about objects as simple and everyday as they can be different fabrics, plastic bottles, caps ... in short, objects of different shapes with different grips and large enough so that you can not take them to your mouth.

Freedom of movement

As soon as your baby shortens his daytime sleep, he stays longer awake and is able to better coordinate his movements it's time to take out the play mat. If you are awake, the ideal position is face down so you can exercise your neck and arm muscles while entertaining with this toy full of light stimuli, sound and different textures. If you prefer to be in a supine position, you can play with the hanging modules, changing them and creating new scenarios.

Discovering new objects

Whether your baby is sitting in the hammock or lying on the play mat, you can continue experimenting with the classic objects every baby has. For example, a soft ball of striking colors It will help you to start distinguishing colors and shapes. It's also hilarious to give a plastic mirror and be present at the moment when the baby recognizes itself through him.

He rattle It is one of the first toys given to a baby. If it has a pleasant sound, it will help to relax it and even if it is not able, at first, to pick it up and make it sound, after 5 months it will begin to be aware that the sound is created by it when it is shaken.

He teether It could be framed within the group of toys or entertainment when your baby uses it to put it in his mouth and experiment with the texture. Ideally, it should be refrigerant, so when you start teething, the cold will act as an analgesic and relaxant.

His favorite toy: dad and mom

As we said at the beginning of the article, after a few weeks of life, the baby is able to communicate with his environment through smiles and sounds. From a very young age, he will recognize the faces of his parents and try to convey their new discoveries because with them he feels protected and happy. Although there are many ways to entertain our baby, his favorite is to dedicate a little of your time.

Smile at him, play to cover and discover your face, rehearse faces with different moods, pass it through different places, sing songs, bathe with him, let him discover different scents and as soon as he starts eating solids, let him experiment with the flavors and textures . And don't forget to always have your camera and video camera at hand to immortalize those moments. They are unrepeatable!

In Chicco Moments

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