The nine months of pregnancy in 15 funny gifs

We bring you today a very lively post, as you see. A summary of what happens in the nine months of pregnancy told in a different way, through gifs, which for those who know it, are animated images.

From the first discomforts and the carrying out of the pregnancy test to the ultrasounds, the baby's pataditas or how the belly grows in these funny 15 gifs.

The first symptoms: nausea and tiredness

Something strange begins to happen in the woman's body, in some cases even before the pregnancy is confirmed with a test. Morning nausea, feeling sick, reluctant and some weakness are some of the first symptoms of pregnancy.

Pregnancy test

Confirmation of pregnancy comes through the performance of a pregnancy test that some repeat up to two or three times. In couple or alone. Faces of disbelief, of happiness, of bewilderment, of illusion ... A emotions roller coaster Seeing the two lines that predict that your life will turn 180 degrees.

The expected ultrasound

The long awaited moment of see for the first time how your child grows Through an ultrasound and listen to your heartbeat. Soon you will know if it will be a boy or a girl.

Waiting for you

For future parents, pregnancy is a very special moment. They announce the good news to family and friends and begin to believe it a little more. They look forward to the arrival of your baby, with whom they are already connected through caresses and words.

Baby's kicks

The movements of the baby in the womb begin to become evident. Around week 20 they begin to feel their first kicks, which are not really just kicks, but all kinds of movements: move your legs, arms, turn ...

As of week 32 and in the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby has less space inside the uterus to move freely. Their movements are clearly noticeable, even with the naked eye you can see the lumps that move in the belly of the pregnant woman.

This is how the belly grows

Time lapse is a widely used technique to show how the belly grows throughout the nine months of pregnancy but in a few seconds. Here you have two beautiful samples of the changes that the mother's body experiences from conception to birth.


Future parents also experience changes during pregnancy. Believe it or not, many suffer pregnancy symptoms.

The role of the father during pregnancy is not limited to seeing how his wife's belly grows. Men are a fundamental pillar for the future mother who will need her support and complicity throughout the process. Even if you do not feel it inside you and cannot hold it in your arms yet, you can begin to establish a bond with your baby through touch, speaking and singing.

Finally together

After 40 weeks of pregnancy, this magical moment finally comes to see your baby's face for the first time. It is very difficult to explain in words what it feels like to see our baby face to face, the first time we feel his warmth, that we hear his crying. Pure emotion. An unforgettable moment.