The importance of having your pregnancy checks: give birth to five girls thinking that you expected a

There were no checks during pregnancy and I didn't know if everything was going well, regular or fatal. I only knew that I was pregnant and that when I had pain I would go to the hospital, and that is what I did when at 26 weeks of pregnancy I began to notice labor pains.

The problem is that He was not carrying a baby, but five, who were born very premature and whose survival is in doubt. That's why we talk today about the importance of getting you pregnant.

The couple had already lost a baby

It happened in India, at the Ambikapur hospital, in Chhattisgarh. At 11 o'clock in the morning the first was born and in just half an hour his four sisters were born, in which doctors say it is the first natural birth they see in which five babies are born.

Two years ago Manita Singh and her husband had a baby who died a few days after birth. With this precedent, the ideal is that this second pregnancy be much more controlled, but the health there is not as we have in the countries of the first world, and did not even get an ultrasound.

That's why he went to give birth thinking that he was carrying a baby and hence the surprise and the news: he was going to give birth to a baby and now he meets five premature girls.

Fighting to survive

As you can see in the photo, some are bigger and others smaller, and doctors hope to get everyone to survive, although they can't assure it. Parents obviously feel very grateful for what destiny had in store for them and wish that the five of them can grow up healthy and happy.

The importance of getting pregnant checks

We do not say that all pregnancies require control. There are pregnancies that take place in such a normal way that doing or not doing ultrasound and other tests could be considered totally unnecessary. However there are others in which problems arise, or are at risk for being a multiple pregnancy. In these cases it is important to make the appropriate controls, diagnose problems and make possible solutions available to the mother, always in order that everything ends as well as possible.

What would have happened with this pregnancy had it taken control? Well, it would have been known from the beginning that there was not one but several babies and that they would have tried to delay the delivery a little more, so that they were not so premature. In addition, once they were born, they would have arranged what was necessary to offer girls special attention. It is not the same to have a new premature baby in a hospital than to increase the number of small premature babies to be treated by five.

Hopefully, as parents and doctors say, get all ahead and in the end everything is in a beautiful anecdote that they can tell when they are older, who all came by surprise.

Video: Teen Says Shes Pregnant With Baby Jesus (May 2024).