"Repellent children", the entry on the ticket of a cafeteria that received a family with two children

A few days ago, we met the unpleasant situation that a couple and their children had lived in a cafeteria when, when they went to pay, they received a ticket with a handwritten annotation by one of the waiters, in which the phrase "repellent children" could be read.

The marriage has denounced the facts and although the establishment denies that it is an insult, the controversy about how badly received children are on some occasions, has come back to the fore.

"Repellent children"

The events occurred a few days ago in Logroño, when a marriage accompanied by their nine year old children, the grandparents and an uncle of the children, went to a cafeteria to have a snack.

According to these clients, the afternoon had passed without problems until when they asked for the bill, they received a ticket with a hand annotation on the top in which you could read: "repellent children".

The family asked the local for explanations when they thought it was an insult to their children, but the owner of the establishment excused herself by saying that it was a joke between waiters and that in no case referred to the children of the couple.

Not happy with the explanation, the parents put a claim that has been registered in the General Directorate of Justice and Home Affairs, referring to what happened is an "insult and a joke" towards them.

According to several media outlets, the owner of the establishment is overwhelmed by events and asks for compassion to what he considers a human error and a joke among employees.

Joke or not, the truth is that I believe that if any of us had encountered such an annotation when requesting the bill in a cafeteria or restaurant, we would probably have acted the same and asked for explanations.

Because, completely unaware of how the events have been and without wanting to position ourselves on one side or the other, the truth is that unfortunately, it is not the first time we have to talk about "ninophobia"

Children who are not well received in restaurants, airlines, weddings or hotels for the mere fact of being children. Children to whom there are people who ask to keep bounded in enabled areas such as those of dogs.

Children who, for the simple fact of being children, it is already assumed that they scream, bother and don't know how to behave. And to those who, of course, can be labeled and cataloged without thinking about the consequences that this fact may have. Children who, even having the same rights as adults are sometimes treated as second-class citizens.

Most responsible adults

However, we must not forget the responsibility we have adults with minors in charge. Children, like children who are, run, jump, cry, scream, speak loudly in spaces where they can disturb others ... But none of that is the responsibility of the child, but of the parents.

Children are people in formation, who they do not come to the world educated or with the social norms of coexistence learned. Their naturalness and spontaneity makes them behave or say things that may not be to everyone's liking. Therefore, parents must be responsible adults and educate our children in respect for others.

Sometimes I have run into children that may have been a nuisance at any given time, and whose parents, totally oblivious to what their children were doing, chatted animatedly several meters away without paying any attention to them. And that shouldn't be like that.

I have three children, and from experience I know that certain behaviors of yours can bother you. Therefore, I am always aware of them, what they do and how they behave in public spaces. Why The responsibility for their actions is mine alone.

But of course, prohibit children from entering because they are simply "children", or catalog them and disrespect them without any consequence, I think it is a terrible mistake and a very inappropriate way of proceeding. Because let's be honest, How many times have we encountered rude adults rather more annoying than a child?

So, without customizing in this specific case that we totally don't know, What do you think about it? Do you also perceive in society a growing "ninophobia" that judges children in advance? And, on the other hand, do you think maybe parents are paying less attention in the education of our children?

  • Via verne

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