Women who are mothers at 30 live longer, according to a study

Women increasingly delay the moment of being mothers. In fact, Spain is one of the countries in which women have their first oldest child, 32 years old. Certain factors such as the search for economic and / or professional stability are what lead women to delay this moment.

There are numerous studies that have been done regarding "the ideal age to be mothers"Some refer to the age you have to be to be the mother of a child, two or three. Others talk about the best biological age, and we have also echoed studies that link maternal age to cognitive development. of the mother's children or mental abilities. But Is there an age to have children that also increases our life expectancy? According to a study published in the Journal of Public Health, there is, and we will reveal it to you.

Neither the 25 nor the 29. The 30 years

Although experts have always placed the age range from 25 to 29 years as the best biological time to be a mother, a study published in the Journal of Public Health states thatmothers who have their first child at age 30 are more long-lived than those who have it at 20.

To date, there have been several studies that have been carried out trying to relate the age of first motherhood to the longevity of the mother, but none had obtained conclusive results. However, this new study seems to present another perspective.

The study, conducted during the years 2004 and 2013, studied the relationship between the average age of first-time mothers, the average age of women at the time of delivery and the percentage of teenage mothers, and all this compared it to hope. of life that women have in some countries of the European Union.

The result showed that women tend to live longer the older they are at the time of becoming pregnant, especially their first child.

Three years ago, Menopause magazine published a report with similar results. On that occasion the longevity of 462 women was studied and it was seen that those who had given birth to their last child after age 33 were twice as likely to exceed 95 years of age compared to those who had done it at age 29.

The problems of delaying motherhood

However, we must not forget that mother's age is a very influential factor when it comes to getting pregnant, because the older the chances of getting pregnant decrease.

Women are born with an ovarian reserve that runs out as we turn years old. Upon reaching 35 years this reserve is quite diminished and the chances of achieving pregnancy are reduced to 50 percent.

Hence, the delay in the age to be mothers is, according to doctors assisted in assisted reproduction, one of the main causes of infertility in women.

In addition, in case of achieving a pregnancy, the chances of suffer complications during labor or delivery also increase, raising the risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension, baby's chromosopathy or uterine bleeding.

On the other hand, after 35 years, childbirth can also be complicated, increasing the chances of prematurity (9.6% of deliveries over 35 are premature) and other complications such as caesarean sections or instrumented deliveries, with respect to younger women.

However, not only the age of the woman is important. Other factors such as man's age, poor diet, tobacco, or unhealthy lifestyle habits would also affect the ability of both to reproduce.

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  • Via La Vanguardia

  • In Babies and More Infertility, Fertility