The government introduces new measures to avoid more cases of stolen babies

In recent months there are many news that have appeared related to stolen babies in hospitals, related to cases that happened between the 60s and 90s, when mothers were made to think that their babies had died in childbirth to later deliver them to another family that paid for it in a plot in which doctors allied themselves, priests, nuns and officials so that everything went well (for them) and no suspicion was raised.

As a result of all this we have been able to know many testimonies of desolate parents and children who suspect that they do not belong to the family with whom they live (or have lived), and an association has been created that tries to help all parties to know the true. Perhaps because now the data has been released, there are people who seem to be worried if it could happen again, and the government, in order to make it difficult to repeat it, has decided to introduce new deterrent measures.

This change is contemplated in the preliminary bill of administrative reform measures in the field of the Administration of Justice and the Civil Registry that we discussed yesterday, and aims to reinforce baby identification mechanisms. In case of death of the baby, it will no longer be enough with the certification of a physician, but that a second certification from a second practitioner will be necessary. Both must also confirm that there is a biological relationship between the mother and the deceased baby (in the cases of stolen babies, either the baby was not taught to the family or they were shown the body of another baby ... yes, me too my blood boil).

This kinship certification must be demonstrated based on medical, biometric and analytical tests. Something like declaring, the two doctors, who under their responsibility, confirm that the set of tests performed with the genetic material of the mother and the baby does not give rise to doubts about the relationship between mother and child.

Will serve?

Honestly, I had never considered the possibility that a baby theft could happen again. One thinks that society has advanced and that there are no more (non) human beings capable of doing something like that. However, you know, every day news appears that make you see that the human race is capable of the worst, so everything could be.

The question that remains is if this new measure will do something. Before, with just one doctor certifying the death of a baby, it could be easier for cases of stolen babies to occur. Now there are two doctors and the only difference is that instead of bribing one, you have to bribe two (well, and now there are no more nuns and priests who can get into garlic). I do not know if all this will be enough to stop the process, if it is still done or is intended to be done. In any case, it is a beginning, a beginning, and a possible solution, which is not little.

Just in case, as a recommendation, that do not separate you. That the baby is always with the mother and, if for some reason the baby had to be separated from her, that Dad does not separate from him at any time. I may sound alarmist, I know, but it is a baby's right to be accompanied by a parent at any time, so there is no reason to deny it.