"Who are the parents to veto the dreams of our children?" We talk to Fanny, mother of a child who wants to be a dancer

When Diego told his mother he wanted to do ballet, she didn't think twice and enrolled him in the academy. Supporting her son, whatever his dream was, was his main objective and although the road has not been easy, Fanny is proud that her little one may be fulfilling her greatest wish.

Fanny's hands break applauding her son when he goes on stage. Gone are the comments of those who believe that "Children can't do ballet because that's a girl thing", and even the scathing criticisms of some schoolmates. "If my son wants to do dance, he will do dance" - sentence his mother without any hint of doubt. We wanted to talk to Fanny about this experience and share a history of effort, motivation and unconditional support.

"My son was born on tiptoe"

Talking with Fanny is talking to a proud mother, who boasts of her child and tells her excited story. Fanny has four children: Enma, the twins Diego and Jose and little Miguel but, as she confesses, "Diego has always had a special and different sensitivity to the rest of his brothers".

Fanny with her four children

When I ask what it was the moment Diego decided to dance, Fanny tells me it was something they always knew:

"My son was born on tiptoe" - he jokes. "He went from lying down and making the croquette to stand up, but he always did it on tiptoe. At first we feared that this characteristic gesture of his was caused by a problem, such as having short tendons. But after many tests, doctors they said it got like this because I wanted to "

"And the truth is that in all the photos of his early childhood we always caught him on tiptoe and straight as a stick. He always had the typical dancer pose that surprised us all".

A request that not everyone understood

When Diego began his Infantil cycle he begged his mother to point him to ballet, but Fanny considered that with three years he was still too young to start extracurricular activities, so he promised that he would point him later.

Diego's eagerness to learn to do ballet was increasing, to such an extent that one of his favorite movies with just four or five years was "Billy Elliot", a British film that narrates the desire of an 11-year-old boy to learn to dance despite having the opposition of his family.

"When Third of Infant began, it was when we began to consider him very seriously to enroll him in ballet classes because Diego asked us again and again. But At that time I met my husband's opposition, who considered that the fact that the child did dance could mark and harm him in front of other classmates.

"But I was very clear that I was going to support my son and that if he wanted to do ballet, even if the rest of the world didn't understand his decision, I would always find support in me "

Diego and his mother in dance class

So when the child began the Primary cycle, Fanny decided to enroll him in the school of his municipality even though he did not have the express support of her husband, who had a hard time accepting her son's wish. The same happened with a part of the family, who showed absolute indifference to the news, and even with their twin brother Jose.

"Jose and Diego are brothers on paper, as I say, but as different as night and day. That's why I had to sit down and talk to Jose and explain that his brothers wanted to do ballet, and that we had to respect and support him because it was important for him that his family was by his side"

"It took time for Jose to accept it too, and at first he showed great indifference to him. Until he saw him act on stage and he was excited" - Remember proudly.

The attitude of classmates and teachers

The first time that the ballet teacher knew she would have a child in her class got excitedWell, for many years he didn't have a boy among his students. Fanny says that the relationship between her and Diego is close and very special. Both love and understand each other perfectly.

For its part, Diego's partner girls are delighted and they welcomed him with much love and respect.

"We had the problem with his classmates, since when they learned that he was from school Diego did ballet, they started laughing at him, criticizing him and to tell him that the dance was a girl thing " - Fanny laments.

"My son is highly sensitive and he is very affected by the negative comments of the environment, so we had to work with him and even comment on his tutor and the center counselor to remedy this problem. Today, with so much bullying as there is this type of comments and behaviors should not be tolerated"

And that's how the school took action on the matter, and the teachers decided to give talks with the students in which they were told that both boys and girls could be what they wanted to be, and that No one should oppose any decision.

"I also had a specific problem with some mother of girls who go with him to class because there is only one dressing room for the students to change, and they don't want my son to change in it with the rest of the girls. But I don't like to discuss so we chose to leave home already dressed in ballet clothes and a tracksuit on top " - Fanny comments.

"I am going to death with my children and I will always support them; they already want to do ballet, soccer or tennis. I don't care what the rest of the world says"

The happiness of fulfilling a dream

Diego happy in his dance class

"When my son goes to dance he goes happy, enjoys it and is very good. When he leaves class his face is of real happiness and passion". But Diego's passion for dancing is not only limited to the present moment because This little boy, with only seven years old, is very clear that he wants to dedicate himself to dancing professionally.

"Last year we talked a lot about the future because his teacher was the first who told us that Diego was made to dance. His body, his attitude and his dedication predispose him in a very clear way for the dance and he told us that if we decided to put him in the official coservatory, I would have many ballots to succeed in this world because hThere are very few children dedicated to ballet".

But for now, Diego will continue to go to classes at the small municipal school, although Fanny does not rule out enrolling him in the council in the near future if he continues to show the same passion.

"When you ask Diego what he looks like in the future, he tells you that in London, dancing Swan Lake at the Royal Ballet. And who am I to veto his dream?"

The pride of a mother

Fanny remembers the day her son first debuted on stage. She assures that there was no mother more proud than her and that her whistles from the stands could be heard several meters away.

"I cried a lot when I first saw him dance. His teacher had told them that they had to smile when they went on stage, but Diego didn't need anyone to remind him of this premise because my son went on stage with a smile that didn't fit his face" - Remember excited.

"I am very proud, both for him and for me, because I know that I am doing the right thing by supporting him in his dream, although the environment has not always made it easy".

When I ask Fanny about the advice I would give to other parents who are living a similar situation, either with ballet or with any other activity or dream your children crave, he tells me firmly: "Patience and unconditional support".

"What any child needs to know is that his parents will always be there, supporting and encouraging him in whatever he wants to be or do, if that makes him happy. And besides, you have to be patient, because it may not be easy. Maybe stumble upon something we saw coming, but we have to leave them because the stumble must give it to them and we will be by their side to help them when they get up "

"My son knows that he will always have me by his side. To buy some new shoes when you break them, sew the socks or prepare the costumes for your ballet function. I will always be there, for the good and for the bad ".

"And if your dream in the future is out of this country, I consider more to change my life and support you, than to deny it to get my comfort and tranquility"
  • Photos @Fanny_fgc (Reproduced with permission)

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