Baby monitor with telephone dialing function

We mothers know the importance of being calm while our babies rest. Thanks to this Baby monitor with dialing function From Philips we will gain not only freedom of movement but also security and confidence when moving around the house and the garden.

The caller consists of two complementary and at the same time independent units: the parent unit and the baby unit. You can also choose the telephone dialing option for the baby monitor to call you when the baby is crying; that way you can talk to him to reassure him. If the line is busy the unit calls again; You can also enter a PIN code to prevent others from calling and thus guarantee that you will listen to your baby when he claims you. It has a digital check system so you can check its proper functioning and has four transmission channels to avoid interference, which are minimized through a digital pilot tone.

It includes an indicator that tells you when to replace the batteries. The operating distance between units is 200 m. You can memorize five phone numbers and you have the option to schedule calls, to choose the desired volume, to perceive the acoustic level of your baby's sounds - the microphone is of high quality with adjustable sensitivity - and the autonomy of battery operation It is 12 hours.

One last detail to highlight: this useful gadget comforts your baby at night providing a serene atmosphere for rest through the soft intensity of his nightlight.

Video: Best and Bad baby monitors reviews. Philips SCD46905 Analogue Dial-Up Baby Monitor (May 2024).