Mothers of the World

The World Health Organization has monitored the maternal experience of six women living in different parts of the world With completely different realities. Mothers share their experiences from pregnancy to the sixth week of the baby's life. Six stories that force us to look beyond our noses.

Damiana Mamiani, from Bolivia, has had his third child at age 29. Although she feels exhausted, she appreciates the good health of her children, because in her country one in fifteen children dies before five years of age due to preventable diseases.

Samah mohamed, from Egypt, is 26 years old and three daughters. During her last pregnancy, she had regular check-ups at a clinic in Cairo, but in the others she has not received prenatal assistance. Just over half of the pregnant women in Egypt visited the doctor at least once before delivery. Hiwot Abraham, from EthiopiaHe had his first daughter at age 17. He will give the girl to the father's family to continue studying and working. Complications during pregnancy and birth are the main causes of death of Ethiopian women between 15 and 19 years.

Renu Sharma, of the IndiaHe is 24 years old and has two children. Following the Hindu custom, after giving birth he spends 39 days confined in the house of his in-laws and another 38 in that of his parents. In this country, only 42.5% of births are attended by qualified doctors.

Bounlid, lives in Laos and he had his fifth daughter at 27. You will have to take her with her to the jungle with just six weeks to cut bamboo poles to make baskets. His second daughter died when he was six weeks old and does not want to have any more children, however he does not know how to avoid getting pregnant.

Claire Roche, lives in United Kingdom and gave birth to their first daughter. He has had medical checks every week and was lucky to be able to opt for a C-section before the doctors' advice. Many women in developing countries go through long labor, which ends with the death of the baby and serious damage to his body.

Video: Mothers Around The World (May 2024).