Delivery in the water (video)

Water birth is a very valid option for those who wish to minimize medical interventions because water is a great ally to facilitate labor.

In addition to being a less traumatic environment for the baby to reach the world, water helps to relax the muscles so it is more pleasant for the mother and labor contractions hurt less. It also helps soften the perineal area by significantly reducing the chances of an episiotomy.

I wanted to show you this video of a water birth in which you can see perfectly the moment when the baby comes out thanks to the transparent walls of the bathtub.

For those who worry about how long the baby stays underwater, tell them that the baby does not drown in an aquatic birth just as he does not drown with the amniotic fluid inside the uterus. The baby receives the oxygen it needs to live through the umbilical cord that is connected to the mother, when the baby is cut, the baby begins to breathe through him with his lungs.

In Spain, water birth is only carried out in specialized centers or at home births. We have seen that in some hospitals in Galicia dilation baths have been incorporated, which is a breakthrough, but at least as far as I have been able to know, the expulsion of the baby does not happen in the water.

It would be interesting to incorporate the option of giving birth in the water in public health, surely many future moms would appreciate it.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | Delivery in the water
In Babies and more | Bathtubs dilation, a great help for childbirth
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