What do you most thank your pediatrician or nurse? the question of the week

A few weeks ago I asked you what was the strangest or most surprising thing the pediatrician or nurse had told you, because sometimes they can say things with little or no foundation that harm mothers.

However, in many moments they have taken us out of more than a scare and there are days that you even seem to see their wings, so they have known how to see what your son had and cure him of some condition or give you the advice you needed most . That is why this week we ask you:

What do you most thank your pediatrician or nurse?

Last week we asked you: What was the worst postpartum moment? to see what you told us about it.

Bea told us the following:

In my case it was also the family. They got into my house: my mother, my sister, my brother-in-law and my cousin (I live in another city) And instead of helping it was the other way around. I had to be aware that everyone was fine ... And I had to rest in bed all day cleaning, cooking, washing machines ... The worst. If I had another I have it clear. Visits like the doctor's.

And my cargo manager told us:

After the birth of my daughter, the worst was the cracks in the nipples and the rise in milk. It was being at home the first day and it was so exaggerated and sudden that I even called the emergency medical phone to see if that was normal ... I felt that my breasts had even throbbing ... My little boy instead suckled and suckled the dead hours and did not eat. It was to be at the chest as if it were a pacifier. And he lost weight in his first week and turned yellow like a chicken. We went to the outpatient and they sent us immediately to the hospital for emergency. What a fright ... The solution: take out the milk and give it in a bottle. And so I endured four months. Taking milk every 3 hours. A hell. But my little boy was like a bull.

The rest of the comments ride between the problems with the baby and the problems with the family, noting that it seems that the visits at home generating problems is quite frequent.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: DO DOCTORS ANNOY PATIENTS? Doctor Reacts To Real Comments (July 2024).