Avoid unfounded myths

When we talk about nutrition, some popular beliefs come to our ears, several of these beliefs that are transmitted by word of mouth are totally wrong. Being well informed about nutrition will allow us avoid unfounded myths.

It is said that meat feeds more than fish, but the two foods provide a similar amount of protein, in addition to the fatty acids of fish, omega 3, protect the cardiovascular system. Both foods are equivalent and necessary foods for your child.

On the myth, "you should not eat between meals", we understand that it refers to constantly snack, since taking something in the middle of the morning, on the snack or before going to bed, is much better than eating only three times at day. Keep in mind that your child's stomach is small and can not eat much at once and for him, it is important to distribute the food in several doses. To say that margarine is better than butter is not correct, since the cholesterol levels that butter provides in a toast during breakfast is minimal and the body also needs it. This myth arose because of the concern of controlling high cholesterol levels and has been applied to even the smallest.

The loss of vitamins or minerals that involves heating food in the microwave is less than with other cooking systems. To say that it is bad to heat food in the microwave, at the moment, is unfounded since after numerous studies, it is not proven that this practice is harmful.

All food is good or bad depending on the amount consumed, just like the fruit or cereals should be taken every day, chuchearías or pasta can be taken sometime a week, everything in its correct proportion is adequate. It is not entirely true to say that there are good and bad foods.

Live to the Palate | What do you prefer, butter or margarine?

Video: The unfounded myth of the "selfish gene" (April 2024).