Seven things they will tell you when you are a mother (they will scare you and they shouldn't)

With the arrival of a baby in our lives, there are also a number of changes in many aspects: our routine, our lifestyle, our body and much more. Becoming a mother is something that completely transforms us and welcomes you to a new version of ourselves and everything that surrounds us.

When we become mothers, it is common for people to come to comment or give us advice. We share some things that they can tell you and maybe scare you, but they shouldn't do it.

You will not sleep a full night again

Let's start with one of the most common phrases we hear when we are in the last weeks of pregnancy: "Rest now, because then you won't be able to sleep"And although it sounds exaggerated, the truth is that the first months (or years!) of our children's lives we will not be able to sleep a whole nightAt least not as we used to do, although this will be temporary.

You will never be alone again

One of the most true phrases you can tell us, because there is nothing more true about being a mother: you will never be alone. But although it is true that there will be times when we want to have time for ourselves, not being alone will never bring you many unforgettable moments next to your children.

You will never be calm or relaxed

Something that changes or evolves in us when we become mothers, is the appearance or increase of situations and moments that now concern us. From the health and safety of our children, to all the possible problems they may face, we can feel more tense and less relaxed than before having children.

But at this particular point, it is important to understand that our role as mothers (and fathers) is that of guide our children and take them by the hand until they are able to make their own decisions, and then, let them fly.

You will no longer have a social life

As I said at the beginning, motherhood comes and suddenly changes many situations in our lives: routines, times, and so on. Something that definitely changes is our social life. It is true that we will go out less and stop seeing our friends as often as before, because between the care of the baby and the fatigue we will have, little will we have left to do it.

However, again I can affirm that this will only be temporary. Your social life will change, you may not go out to drink with friends, but you can go for coffee with a friend who is also a mother and fortunately, motherhood also opens the doors to meet new friends.

Forget the trips

Before, you could plan a weekend lightning trip: you just organized, packed your bags and left without any worries. And of course, being a mother you can also do it, but now the options become somewhat limited and you must bring twice or triple things that you were used to.

But always take the positive side: traveling with children is an amazing experience, sometimes chaotic but also wonderful and that you will undoubtedly create new and beautiful family moments, which will last in the memory of your children much more than the toys you buy them.

With children, your house will be a disaster

If you were used to having your house sparkling and impeccable as a palace, perhaps this point may be difficult for you. I love to say that life with children is unpredictable, and we can see that reflected at home. Of course, you will always have to be ordered and teach them good habits of order and cleanliness.

But don't let the disorder distress you. Childhood is just a very short stage, enjoy it and embrace the chaos while they are little, that You will have many years in the future to have a perfect and silent house.

If you have it in your arms all day you will spoil it

The phrase we have all heard until weary: "Do not load it, it will get used to it"But no, babies will not get used to it or become spoiled by excessive affection. It is true that your arms will be their safe place during their first years of life, but you should not fear or think that this will become a problem. Before you imagine it, your baby will start walking and he alone will ask for more freedom.

And why do they scare us by telling us those things?

From my point of view, I believe that when someone who already has experience as a mother goes to a first-time pregnant or recent mother, he does not do so with that intention. More than scare us, perhaps his true objective is to prepare us for what is to come and not stay with a pink vision of motherhood.

The best thing we can do in a situation like this is to listen to them, take into account the advice or comment they make us, but without taking them too seriously or scare us. In the end, all are stages and the day will come when our children will be independent.

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