Maternal mortality map

The World Health Organization has developed a maternal mortality map In order to find out what are the main complications that cause it, we assume that it will be to take the appropriate measures against this fatal event.

Apparently the first risk is hemorrhage, the cause of this mortality mainly in Africa and Asia, reaching 30%, twice as much as in Western countries. We believe that the precariousness of the services, the hygienic conditions and a long etcetera existing in the countries that are in the process of promoting this fact are very evident.

Depending on the area of ​​the planet, the reasons vary, so in Latin America and the Caribbean, the cause of major maternal mortality is hypertension. In general the causes are several and vary according to the situation of the country, but developing countries always take the worst part. To elaborate this study, 34 databases were used with more than 35,000 women who died from certain causes produced during pregnancy or during the 42 days after the baby was born. If you want to consult this study, it has been published in the digital edition of The Lancet.

The study is already done, will it help? Will they solve this problem in the most affected countries? Hopefully. Although it is also possible that it serves only as one more database for new studies.

Video: South East Asia - Maternal Mortality Ratio - Time Lapse (May 2024).