Is the character inherited?

It is a question that many parents ask themselves, many affirm that the child has the same character as his father, mother or grandfather, in fact there are scientific studies that have been done with twins who have been raised and educated in different environments to check yes the character is inherited.

The results have been overwhelming, the character is partly determined by genetic inheritance, by the influence of education and the environment surrounding the child. According to experts, there is a thin line that separates the inheritance of education and the environment, for this reason, it is difficult to predict where each of these factors begins or ends, but one conclusion does exist, the genetic influence has an important regret About the character of the baby. The innate character of a baby can be nervous, calm, etc. Since he was born, this is easily appreciated and we can confirm that one or another character is innate in him, since he has hardly been able to influence him to develop a certain type of character. At the moment when the child begins to interrelate with the outside world it is more difficult to find out if his character has been a consequence of the external influence or on the contrary it is innate, but the initial clue can be observed in the first days.

The character is acquired in part by genetic factor but this can be moldable both to strengthen its initial character at birth and to inhibit it. Parents have a lot to do with character formation, moreover, children often look like parents in this regard because of education and behavior patterns. For example, the father's way of acting is imitated by the children, adopting a similar character, although it may well be that this was not the original character. There is also the opposite case, thanks to the training, the initial character that was genetic and similar to one of the parents is enhanced.

There is no doubt that the genetic load is important but not only in the character, in the physical aspect, in the capacities, etc., and it is that a child is the genetic extension that combines the genetics of the mother and the father.

Video: What is a trait?-Genetics and Inherited Traits (May 2024).