I am pregnant: I say goodbye to the first trimester

I am in the final stretch of the first quarter 13 weeks + 3 days, with it the nausea has gone so annoying that I have "badly" accompanied during these first three months.

I begin to feel better, although the fatigue at the end of the day is still there. They already know that with the first pregnancy one can rest at ease, but with the second one there is a child to attend, who says “mom” two hundred times a day. Luckily, when his father arrives in the afternoon he starts calling him two hundred times before bedtime.

I have begun to feel the baby's first movements, very slight especially when I am lying down. My son is more and more excited with his little brother, he likes to put his ears in my belly to hear according to him the bubbles "glu, glu, glu" that the baby makes.

Last week I had the second ultrasound. It is so exciting to see him, his little hands, his little legs, his column and imagine his little face. It is nice to see how he spends inside me floating in a prenatal dance from here to there, in addition to the size of my belly he has a space to do Olympic gymnastics. Yesterday I checked all the clothes I have saved that he will inherit from his brother. Many tell me that if I am a child, the one I have stored will not help me. Nothing is further from reality, I will know how to combine the child's clothes to look like a girl (if this were the case). I do not like the pink-light blue stereotype, I hate it, that division that has started to be done since I was little, I don't like anything more than not finding red, green, blue clothes, colors full of life just started on the shelves of the baby stores instead of the classic pink-blue uniforms.

I continue to take folic acid in addition to an iodine supplement that according to the doctor is beneficial to prevent mental deficiencies according to the latest research, one of the additional reasons to eat many things from the sea. Luckily here there is "Galician octopus", a delight of the region beneficial for pregnancy and that makes me happy on the palate. In the first pregnancy the octopus was my craving, in this I feel like gazpacho, luckily also a source of vitamins, I am able to take a liter of a single sitting.

From now on, I will surely begin to enjoy my pregnancy better just when summer starts. A luxury.

Video: I'm Pregnant! Our TTC Journey, Finding Out, First Trimester Recap (July 2024).